摘 要 :经45℃处理1 h后黄瓜热敏品系新泰密刺单核花粉期花药胞内Ca2+水平上升较耐热品系JY24 快, 但在温度恢复28℃后其钙稳态恢复较慢; 45℃处理1 h后新泰密刺花药内源ABA含量上升幅度比JY24大, 恢复28℃后下降速度也较快; 高温处理未能造成此期黄瓜花药新蛋白质的合成, 但蛋白(MW 70 kD,p I 5.7和MW 45.5 kD, p I 5.6) 的表达热激后大幅度上调, 且在JY24中的表达水平显著高于新泰密刺。上述结果表明, Ca2+和ABA均参与了黄瓜花药对高温胁迫的反应调节; 黄瓜单核花粉期花药中热激蛋白的合成至少已被部分抑制。
Abstract:Under 45℃ treatment, Ca2+ precipitates in pollen and anther cells increase more quickly in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) heat-sensitive line Xintaimici than in heat-tolerant line JY24. While the temperature recover to 28℃, the Ca2+ precipitates quantity drop to the normal levelmore tardily in Xitaimici anther cells. EndogenousABA contents in two line anthers also ascend significantly after 1 h 45℃ treatment,especially in Xintaimici. When the temperature return to 28℃, ABA in Xitaimici anthers step down to the control level, while JY24 anthers can maintain a higher ABA content within 2 h. No any additional protein points can be seen in the IEF-SDS-PAGE maps of cucumber anthers under 45℃ stress comparing with 28℃, although the expression of some proteins, such as (MW 70 kD, P I 5.7) and (MW 45.5 kD, PI 5.6) wereup regulated remarkably after heat treatment ( even higher in JY24 than in Xintaimici). The results indicated both Ca2+ and ABA signalswere involved in the response of cucumber anthers to heat-stress. The synthesis of HSPs in cucumber uninucleate-binucleate-pollen-phase antherswere at least in part inhibited under 45℃.