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A New Cucumber Variety‘New Era’


黄瓜新品种‘新世纪’适宜日光温室越冬茬、日光温室冬春茬、塑料大棚早春茬等形式栽培。生长势较强, 耐低温弱光, 叶深绿色, 主蔓结瓜为主, 产量可达127.5 t/hm2。瓜长棒形, 长30 cm左右。瓜把短, 为瓜长的1 /7。瓜皮深绿色, 无棱, 瘤小, 刺密, 外观品质佳。脆甜无苦涩味, 品质好。抗枯萎病、疫病、白粉病、炭疽病, 较抗霜霉病。

‘New Era’is a cucumber hybrid p roduced by Forestry and Horticulture College, Henan Agricultural University and Henan Yuyi Seed Company Ltd. The variety is suitable for planting in greenhouse during the winter and plastic channel in the early spring in some areas of China. It grows strong under low
temperature and weak sunlight. The fruits are p roduced on the stem mainly, and the yield is around 127.5 t/hm2. The fruit is about 30 cm, with many prickles on its dark-green surface. The fruit pedicel is very short, about 1/7 of total fruit length. The variety tastes very delicious. It is resistant to diseases such as wilt, blight, powdery mildew, anthracnose, and downy mildew.