全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2007) 01-0100-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生: 王成杰 导师: 周 禾
(中国农业大学草地研究所, 北京 100094)
1. 不同时期的牧草显著地影响绵羊的适口
性、采食量和可消化性。羊草 ( L eymus chinen-
影响,较高的粗蛋白质含量 NH3-N 浓度较高。冷
蒿 ( A riemisia f rigida)含有较高的可挥发性脂
肪酸( TVFA)。在不同试验期对瘤胃 T VFA 浓
度有着显著影响, 日粮类型对瘤胃中主要 VFA
比例的影响较小; 在日粮中补饲混合精料具有较
高的氮沉积与利用率; 日粮中氮水平与绵羊的食
3. 在 7月,绵羊每天甲烷气体排放量( 31. 4
g SU
- 1
)显著地低于8月( 36. 2 g SU - 1)。绵羊采食
别高 10. 9% , 11. 2%和42. 1%。虽然补饲混合精
的利用率,绵羊日增重较高, 从而降低了相同单
生态系统中,每公顷草原的放牧率只要超过 0. 5
关键词: 绵羊; 消化代谢; 季节性影响; 甲烷气体; 添加剂
中图分类号: S812 文献标识码: A
完成时间: 2006年 10月
收稿日期: 2006-11-20; 修回日期: 2006-12-04
作者简介: 王成杰( 1968-) ,男,博士,研究方向为草地管理, E -mail : cjw ang3@ sohu . com
导师简介: 周 禾( 1955-) ,男,教授,研究方向为草地管理, E -mail : zhouhe1094@ sina. com
第 15卷 第 1期
Vo l. 15 No . 1
草 地 学 报
2007 年 1 月
Jan. 2007
Effects of Herbages and Diet Composition on Rumen Fermentation,
Nutritional Degradability and Methane Emission of Sheep
in the Inner Mongolia Steppe
Candidate: WANG Cheng-jie A dviso r: ZHOU He
( Ins t itute of Gras sland Science, China Agricul ture University, Beijin g 100094, China)
The effect ive ut ilizat ion of forage and contr ol of methane emission f rom grazing sheep could be inf lu-
enced by the changes of g rassland community st ructure and nutrient composit ion o f forag es. T he aims of this
exper iment , conducted in the Xiling ol gr assland, w ere to study the ef fect of ingredient and quality of forages
on rumen fermentat ion, nut rit ional deg radability and CH4 emission.
The results indicate that forages of different gr ow ing seasons af fected their palatability , the sheeps feed
intake and dig estibility . L eymus chinensis is nut rit ious and digest ible forage. Supplement concentrate in the
diets increased the feed intake, digest ibility of main nutr ient and daily gain w eight of sheep. Different supple-
ments o f diet signif icantly af fected the ruminal juice, as high crude protein content in the diet increased the
concentrat ion of NH3-N in the r umen. Forages of dif ferent g row ing seasons and types af fect significant ly the
concentrat ion of to tal VFA, though not on the propor tions of indiv idual VFA . The po sit ive nit rog en balance
in the four diets and the higher nit rog en r etent ion and availabil ity in the group of supplement concentrate
w er e observed. T here w as a signif icant posit ive correlat ion among the amount , the intake, the dig est ion and
retent ion of nitro gen.
The degradability of OM , CP and NDF could be est imated using the reg ression equation of dependent
DM . There w ere interact ions among the effect iv e degradability of DM , OM and NDF. The effect iv e degrad-
ability of DM and DNF decr eased w ith the increase of their content in fo rages. No signif icant co rrelation ex-
isted between the ef fect ive deg radability o f CP and DM , OM and NDF content in for ag es. T he CP content in
fo rage did not affect it s ef fective degradability.
CH4 product ion w as no tably low er in July than in August ( 31. 4 and 36. 2 g per sheep-unit per day, re-
spect iv ely ) . T he daily average CH 4 product ion per unit of digest ive DM , OM and NDF increased 10. 9% , 11.
2% , and 42. 1 % , respect ively, for AC diet , compared w ith LC diet . Although supplemented concentr ate in
both diets increased the to tal CH4 pr oduct ion per sheep per day, it improved sheep product ivity and decreased
CH4 product ion 14. 8% , 12. 5% and 14. 8% per unit of DM , OM and NDF digested by sheep, r espect ively.
The results suggest that degraded grassland increased CH4 emission fr om sheep and supplemented concentrate
enforced the diet ef ficiency . Sheep grazing ecosystem seems to be a source of CH4 when the stocking rate is
over 0. 5 sheep-unit ha
- 1
during the g row ing season in the Inner Mongolia steppe. Saponin and ropadiar addi-
tiv e can be used to mitig ate the methane product ion from sheep and y ields long-term env ir onmental benefit s.
Key words : Sheep; Dig est ion and metabolism; Seasonal influence; CH4 emission; Addit ive; Inner M on-
golia Steppe
(责任编辑 孟昭仪)
101第 1期 王成杰:内蒙古典型草原不同牧草和日粮组成对绵羊瘤胃发酵、营养降解及甲烷气体排放的影响