摘 要 :我国不同生态区大豆种质豆腐与豆乳得率的遗传变异是专用型品种选育的基础。以来自各生态区的564份地方品种、101份育成品种、193份野生大豆加上88份国外品种,合计946份大豆种质为材料,采用小样品定量分析技术,测定干豆腐与干豆乳得率,研究其遗传变异。结果表明,全国野生大豆和栽培大豆的干豆腐与干豆乳得率均存在很大变异,干豆腐得率变幅分别为25.32~69.59、25.52~85.89 g 100 g-1,干豆乳得率变幅分别为40.75~82.86、39.05~91.86 g 100 g-1,栽培大豆两者的得率在野生豆基础上均有较大幅度改进;各生态区均存在与全国相同的变异情况,区内变异大于区间变异,但南方一些生态区栽培种豆腐(乳)得率变异程度相对较大,高得率材料相对较多,因本底(野生种)得率与地理纬度无关,推测与各地区栽培大豆利用方向的不同有关而形成了栽培种微弱的地理相关性;栽培材料中2.75%干豆腐得率超过75 g 100 g-1,5.50%干豆乳得率超过85 g 100 g-1,从中优选出来自Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅵ生态区的双高种质14份,可供各地区豆腐(乳)育种利用。
Abstract:It is the basis for high tofu and soymilk output breeding to characterize the genetic variability of the germplasm of both cultivated soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and wild soybean [Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc.] from different varietal eco-regions. In the present study, 946 accessions, including 564 landraces, 101 released cultivars, 193 wild materials from various eco-regions in China and 88 released cultⅣars from abroad were tested for their dried tofu and soymilk output by using the mini-specimen technique established in our lab recently. Data obtained were analyzed with software of SAS 9.0 and SPSS 13.0 .The resulted indicated there existed large variation in dried tofu and soymilk output both in cultivated and wild soybeans in China, with a range of 25.32–69.59 and 25.52–85.89 g 100 g-1 for dried tofu output and 40.75–82.86 and 39.05–91.86 g 100 g-1 for dried soymilk output, respectively, and the averages of cultivated soybean were much larger than those of wild soybean. The results in various eco-regions showed a similar trend as in the whole country. The variation in dried tofu and soymilk output within an eco-region was more than that among eco-regions; and there existed a weak geographical variation for cultivated soybeans, especially in some southern eco-regions, which might be due to the accumulation from artificial selection since there was no similar trend naturally for wild soybean. About 2.75% of the cultivated accessions were with more than 75 g 100 g-1 of dried tofu output and about 5.50% with more than 85 g 100 g-1 of dried soymilk output, from which 14 elite accessions from Eco-region Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, and Ⅵ with double high outputs were screened out for high output breeding purposes.