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Genetic Diversity Analysis among Hulless Barley Varieties from the Major Agricultural Areas of Tibet


采用内含子切接点引物(intron-splice junction primer)和长随机引物的PCR分子标记方法,对来自西藏主要农区的29个青稞育成品种和3个农家种的遗传多样性进行了分析。结果表明,选用的5个引物共扩增出稳定清晰的条带39条,其中26条(66.7%)为多态性条带。根据PCR扩增的条带建立[1,0]型数据矩阵,应用NTSYSpc2.1数据分析软件计算各品种间的遗传相似系数,并据此进行聚类分析,结果表明,西藏主要农区青稞品种间有一定的遗传差异,但总体遗传差异较小,遗传基础相对狭窄;聚类结果与各品种的实际生产利用情况较为接近,可以反映出这些青稞品种较为明显的区域特征。

To investigate the genetic diversity among hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum Hook. f.)varieties in the major agricultural areas of Tibet and to promote the efficient utilization of those varieties, the genetic diversity among 29 hulless barley varieties and 3 landraces from those areas were analyzed using PCR with intron-splice junction primers and long random primers. The results indicated that 39 distinct PCR bands in total were amplified using 5 primers selected, and 26 of them were polymorphic. A [1, 0] data matrix was established based on the PCR patterns, and the genetic similarity coefficients among those cultivars were calculated using Dice’s index of NTSYSpc 2.1 software. Cluster analysis of the hulless barley varieties was then conducted based on the genetic similarity coefficients using UPMGA method of the same software. The result showed that there were some diversities among those hulless barley cultivars, but in general, their genetic differences were less and the genetic distances were relatively narrow; and the dendrogram obtained from cluster analysis could reflect the distribution and the geographic characteristics of those cultivars clearly.

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