Abstract:Paris is a well delimited genus of Trilliaceae and amounts to 17 -18 species which are distributed in Europe and Asia, chiefly in China. The following characters are those which have been found to be the most useful in distinguishing the taxa of Paris: 1. The basic number of flowers is (3-) 4-10, the number of sepals or petals (outer or inner whorl of perianth- segments) is the same as that of the carpels; 2.the number of stamens is gene- rally 2- 6 times as many as sepals (or carpcls, stigmas); 3. oviry uni- locular with (3-) 4-10 parietal placenttts or (3-) 4-10-locular with axial placentas; fruit a dehiscent capstule or an indehiscent bcrry;4. seeds enclosed by a juicy aril, with a imperfect aril from the funicle or without it; 5. rhi- zome short and thick or elongate slender creeping.