期 刊 :中国中药杂志 2005年 30卷 12期 页码:933.
Keywords:FVP, immunologic competence, CTX, anti-tumor effect,
摘 要 :目的:观察金针菇多糖(FVP1)对化疗药环磷酰胺的增效减毒作用。方法:①NIH小鼠右腋皮下接种0.2mL的1×107·mL-1的S180肉瘤后,随机分为3组:模型对照组腹注生理盐水;环磷酰胺组在第1,3天腹注30mg·kg-1体重的环磷酰胺,其余时间用生理盐水;FVP1合并环磷酰胺组在第1,3天腹注30mg·kg-1体重的环磷酰胺,同时每天腹注10mg·kg-1的FVP1,连续10d。剥取肿瘤称重,计算抑瘤率。②小鼠腹注100mg·kg-1环磷酰胺,连续2d建立免疫抑制小鼠模型,随机分成4组:环磷酰胺组腹注生理盐水;FVP1小、中、大剂量组分别腹注5,10,20mg·kg-1的FVP1,连续7d;另设不用环磷酰胺造模的作为空白对照组。实验结束后检测各组小鼠的外周白细胞、胸腺指数、脾指数、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能、脾淋巴细胞转化和NK细胞活性。结果:①FVP1与小剂量环磷酰胺伍用能明显提高环磷酰胺对小鼠S180的抑瘤率。②5,10,20mg·kg-1的FVP1均能明显对抗环磷酰胺所致的小鼠白细胞减少和免疫器官萎缩,拮抗环磷酰胺所致的小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能的降低,恢复免疫受抑小鼠的淋转功能以及NK细胞杀伤活性。结论:FVP1对环磷酰胺具有一定的增效减毒作用。
Abstract:Objective: To observe the influences of FVP1 on both curative and negative effects of CTX. Method: The present study included two parts of experiments. In the part 1, 0.2 mL of 1× 107 mL-1 of S180 cells were inoculated in the subcutaneous layer of the right armpit of mice. All the mice were randomly divided into 3 groups: control group, in which mice were given with normal saline in 10 consecutive days, CTX group, in which mice were injected with 30 mg of CTX in the first and third days and saline in the other 8 days during the 10 consecutive days of treatment, and FVP1 and CTX group, in which the mice were injected with 30 mg·kg-1 of CTX in the first and third days and FVP1 at 10 mg·kg-1 in all 10 consecutive days of treatment. After above 10-day treatment , all the mice were killed and the tumor body was taken out and weighed to calculate the inhibiting rates on tumor. In the part 2 of experiments all the mice were divided into 3 groups: Normal control group, in which mice were not treated with any drugs, CTX-induced model group of inhibiting immune system, in which mice were injected with CTX at dose of 10 mg-kg-1 in first two days and saline in the following 7 days; and small-, meddle-and large-dosage of FVP1 groups, in which mice were injected with CTX at the same dose as above in first two days and FVP1 intraperitoneally at 5, 10 and 20 mg·kg-1 respectively in the following 7 days. CTX group was regarded as the control model. After the treatment, the peripheral white cells, thymus index, spleen index, the phagocytic power of macrophage of abdominal cavity, lymphocyte trastarion rate and the activity of NK cell were detected. Result: ①FVP1 plus small dose of CTX obviously enhanced the inhibiting rate of CTX on tumor in the mice inoculated with S180 cells. ② FVP1 at the different dose obviously antagozized CTX-induced leucopenia, atrophy, reduction of the phagocytic power of macrophage in abdominal cavity and restored the function of lymphocyte translation and the activity of NK cells. Conclusion: FPV1 could enhance the curative effect of CTX in depressing tumor and attenuate the negative effect of CTX in inhibiting the function of immune system.
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