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Three coumarins from seed of Cnidium monnieri and their multidrug resistance reversal effects


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Three coumarins from seed of Cnid ium monnieri and their
multidrug resistance reversal effects
ZHANG Qing-lin, ZHAO Jing-hua, BI Jian-jin, CAO Ju-rong , SON G Jing , WU Zu-ze

( Beijing Institute o f Radiation Medicine, Beijing 100850, China)
   Abstract: Object  To iso late the activ e compounds on reversing multidrug resistance ( MDR) o f tu-
mo r cell f rom the ethanol ex t ract in the seeds of Cnidium monnieri ( L. ) Cuss. Methods  The fractionation
directed by bioactivi ty w as ca rried out with si lica g el chromatog raphy and RP-HPLC. Results  Three ac-
tiv e coumarins w ere obtained: imperatorin (Ⅰ ) , edultin (Ⅱ ) and 3′-isobuty ry lox y-O-acetyl columbionetin
(Ⅲ ) . Thei r sturctures were identi fied by spect roscopic analy sis. Conclusion  These th ree compounds
have a medium reversing MDR of KBV200 in v itro.
Key words: Cnidium monnieri ( L. ) Cuss. ; couma rin; multidrug resistance ( MDR); KBV 200
蛇床子中 3种逆转肿瘤细胞多药耐药活性香豆素
张庆林 ,赵精华 ,毕建进 ,曹菊荣 ,宋 京 ,吴祖泽
(北京放射医学研究所 ,北京  100850)
摘 要: 目的 从蛇床子 Cnidium monnier中分离逆转肿瘤细胞多药耐药活性成分。 方法 用生物活性跟踪法 ,经
硅胶柱层析、 RP-HPLC等。结果 分离得到 3种活性成分 ,分别为欧芹属素乙 ( impera to rin) ,爱得尔庭 ( edultin) , 9-
异丁酰氧基 -O-乙酰基哥伦比亚苷元 ( 3′-isobutyr ylox y-O-ace tyl co lumbionetin)。 结论 体外实验表明 3种化合物
对耐药的肿瘤细胞 KBV 200具有明显的逆转作用。
关键词: 蛇床子 ;香豆素 ;多药耐药 ; KBV200
中图分类号: R283. 3   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 0253 2670( 2003) 02 0104 03
1  Introduction
One of the ma jo r problem of cancer chemo-
therapy is int rinsic or acquired mul tidrug resistance
( MDR). Many kinds of compounds, such as calci-
·104· 中草药  Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drug s 第 34卷第 2期 2003年 2月
⒇收稿日期: 2002-10-12
um channel bolckers, calmodulin inhibi to rs and in-
dole alkaloids a re known to rev erse MDR, how ev-
er, they all have no t been recommended to routine
clinical use due to to xici ty
[ 1]
. Fo r example, Vera-
pamil, the most ex tensiv ely studies MDR reversing
agent , induces severe to xici ty at the doses re-
quired. Thus w e need to develop new classes of
MDR reversing agents wi th less toxici ty to the
Many traditional Chinese drug s, alone or com-
bined wi th chemotherapic agents, a re used in clini-
cal cancer t rea tment. They a re proven to increase
cura tive effects and decrease the tox icities of the
chemotherapic agents. Some compounds isolated
f rom tradi tional Chinese herbs w ere reported to
have MDR reversing activi tes[ 2] . We believ ed w e
might find the new classes of MDR reversing a-
gents f rom tradi tional Chinese drugs. In this w ork
w e found the ethanolic ex t racts of Cnidium mon-
nieri ( L. ) Cuss. exhibi ted reversing MDR activ i-
ties. Activi ty-bioguided fractionation using chro-
ma tog raphy w as conducted and led to isolate th ree
activ e compounds.
2 Materials and methods
2. 1   General experimental pro cedures. The
HNM R and
CNMR spectra ( CDCl3 ) w ere ob-
tained wi th JNM-GX 400 o r INOV A-600 inst ru-
ments. FAB-M S was perfo rmed on a Zabspec spec-
trometer. Preparativ e HPLC was carried out wi th
a wa ter system equipped wi th a 600E pump, a 996
PDA detector at 254 nm and a Delta-Pak C18
prepacked radial compression co lumn ( 40 mm×
200 mm , 15μm) , elution wi th M eOH-H2O a t vari-
ous mix tures at f low ra te 15 m L /min.
2. 2  Plant material. The seeds of Cnidium mon-
nieri ( L. ) Cuss. w ere collected in Jiang su
Province. Identi fica tion of specimens w as carried
out by Professo r Zhang Ming-qing f rom Nanjing
Univ ersi ty o f TCM.
2. 3  Ex traction and activi ty-directed f ractiona-
tion. The dry seeds ( 5 kg ) w ere macera ted wi th
95% EtO H for three times. The EtO H ex tract wa s
concentra ted to dryness in vacuo and submitted to
liquid-liquid parti tio n wi th CHCl3-H2O. The CHCl3
phase w as par ti tio ned again w ith hexane /90%
M eOH. The active aqueous MeOH phase ( 29. 8 g )
w as mixed w ith silica g el ( 150 g ) and evapo rated
to dry in vacuo and w ashed wi th pet ro leum ether,
pet roleum eth er-CH2 Cl2 mix tures ( 100∶ 1 to 1∶
1) , CH2 Cl2 and MeOH. The bioassay results indi-
cated pet roleum ether f raction ( 12 g ) and
petroleum ether-CH2 Cl2 ( 50∶ 1) f raction ( 1. 5 g )
w ere activ e. The pet roleum ether f raction ( 6 g )
w as subjected to f lash chroma tog raphy on silica
gel, eluting wi th pet roleum ether-EtO Ac ( 10∶ 1
to 1∶ 1) . The activ e fractions combined and fur-
ther puri fied wi th preparativ e RP-HPLC to giv e
edultin Ⅱ , ( 28 mg ) and 3′-isobuty ryolx y-O-
acetylcolumbianetin Ⅲ , ( 31 mg ) , eluting w ith
CH3OH-H2O ( 55∶ 45 ) . The petroleum ether-
CH2 Cl2 ( 50∶ 1) f raction w as chroma tog raphed w ith
preparativ e C18 HPLC to yield impera to rin Ⅰ ( 35
mg ) , eluting w ith CH3OH-H2O ( 55∶ 45) .
2. 4  Cell cul ture and bioassay. Resistant human
oral epidermoid carcinoma cell line, KBV200 w as
deriv ed f rom the parent sensi tiv e KBS cell Line by
stepw ise expo sure to vincristine ( V CR) , they w ere
kindly gi fted by Pro fessor Wang Yu-zi f rom Bei jing
Insti tute of Radia tion M edicine. KBV 200 cells
w ere maintained in the presence o f 1μg /mL VCR.
KBV 200 and KBS w ere cultured in PRM I-1640
supplement wi th 10% fetal calf serum and w ere
g row n at 37℃ in humidi fied atomsphere wi th 5%
CO2. M TT method w as used for cy to to xici ty as-
[3 ] . In 96 w ell plates 2× 104 cells w ere seeded
and treated wi th g raded concentrations o f the ex-
tracts or compounds ( disso lv ed in DM SO ) . The
pla tes w ere incubated fo r 72 hours a t 37℃ ( 100%
humidi ty wi th a 5% CO2 atmosphere in ai r) . M T T
w as added and the plates w ere incubated fo r four
hours, then 120μL DMSO were added to dissolv e
fo rmazam , the abso rbance was measured a t 570
nm, using a microplate reader. Each concentration
w as assayed in t riplicate.
2. 5  Reversal facto r [4 ] . The ED50 values of V CR
alone and wi th reversal compounds against
KBV 200 w ere obtained and the reversal factor was
calcula ted as fo llowing: Reversal factor= ED50 of
·105·中草药  Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drug s 第 34卷第 2期 2003年 2月
V CR alone /ED50 of V CR in the presence of a giv en
concentra tion o f rev ersal compound.
3  Results and discussion
From screening the common Chinese drug fo r
reversing MDR of tumo r cells, w e found the EtO H
ex tract of C . monnieri show ed cytotoxicity o f the
MDR o f KBV200 cell line ( ED50 22. 5μg /mL) in
the presence o f V CR, while exhibited no signi fi-
cant cy to toxicity to KBV200 and the parental KBS
cells in the absence of V CR. Fractionation guided
by cytotoxici ty of KBV 200 cel ls in the presence of
V CR led to isola te three activ e coumarins, impera-
to rin (Ⅰ ) , edul tin (Ⅱ ) and 3′-isobutyrylo xy-O-
acety l columbionetin (Ⅲ ) . The st ructures o f the
three compounds w ere identi fied by comparison of
thei r phy sical and spectro scopic da ta
[5 ] .
To examine the MDR reversing activi ty o fⅠ -
Ⅲ , KBV 200 and KBS cells were t rea ted wi th g rad-
ed concentra tions o f V CR in the presence and ab-
sence of Ⅰ -Ⅲ . All three compounds exhibited
w eak cy to to xic activi ty against both KBV 200 and
KBS cells in the absence of V CR. KBV 200 cells
became more sensi tiv e to VCR in the presence of
Ⅰ -Ⅲ , ED50 values o f VCR decreased 1. 2-8. 2 fold
depending on the concentration ofⅠ -Ⅲ ( show n in
Table 1) . While KBS cells show ed no media ted cy-
to toxic response, but in the presence o fⅠ , KBS
cells show ed slight ly augmented cytotoxic re-
sponse, the reason is unknown. These results
clea rly show ed that Ⅰ -Ⅲ rev ersed the MDR of
KBV200. The reversal facto rs ofⅠ -Ⅲ a re show n
in Table 1.
Table 1  Reversal factors of Ⅰ -Ⅲ against KBV200
Com pounds
/ (μg· mL- 1 )
ED50 / (μg· mL- 1 )
of VCR w ith compound
Reversal factor
Ⅰ 0 μg /mL 1. 82
2. 5μg /mL 1. 48 1. 23
5. 0μg /mL 1. 10 1. 65
10. 0μg /mL 0. 66 2. 78
Ⅱ 0 μg /mL 1. 20
2. 5μg /mL 0. 71 1. 69
5. 0μg /mL 0. 53 2. 27
10. 0μg /mL 0. 15 8. 27
Ⅲ 0 μg /mL 1. 20
2. 5μg /mL 0. 64 1. 89
5. 0μg /mL 0. 37 3. 22
10. 0μg /mL 0. 22 5. 45
   The seeds o f C. monnieri are used as a topical
agent fo r ec zenia and pruritus in China, some anti-
allergic principles w ere iso lated f rom this species.
We iso lated th ree coumarins with rev ersing MDR
activ ity, the interactions o f these compounds w ith
Pgp and reversal activ ities in v ivo will be tested.
Acknowledgement: The author s w ish to thank th e fi-
nancial suppo r t of Na tional Na tural Science Foundation of
China ( 39970892)
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