全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 28(3):288— 289 2008年 5月
Notes on Elaeocarpus(Elaeocarpaceae)from China
砌 G Ya
(Laboratory for Biodiversity and Environmental Studies,Department of
Envir~mental Sciences,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China)
A~tmct:Having different characteristics of branchlets,leaves and perianth,Elaeocarpus hayatae is treated as a dis—
tinct species rather a variety of E.sphaericus.E.atro-punctatus is reported from Guangxi for the first time.
Key words:Elaeocarpus!Taiwan;Guangxi
CLC Number:Q949.757.1 Document Code:A Article ID:1OO0.3142(2OO8)O3—0288-02
Elaeocarpus hayatae Kanehira & Sasaki,Trans.
Formosan Trees,rev.ed.431,t.388.1936;Liu,Sasaki
& Keng,Quart.J.Taiwan Mus.8(4):306.1955;H.L.
Li,Woody F1.Taiwan 533.1963;C.E.Chang,Quart.J.
Taiwan Forest.3(2):22.1967.
Elaeocarpus sphaericus (Gaertner) Schurnman
var.hayatae(Kanehira& Sasaki)C.E.Chang in H.
L.Li eta1.(eds.),F1.Taiwan 3:686,p1.776.1979 and
in T.C.Huang(ed),F1.Taiwan,ed.2,3:718.p1.366.
Elaeocarpus sylvestris(Lour.)Poiret var.haya—
tae(Kanehira& Sasaki)Y.C.Liu,Lign.P1.Taiwan
This species was originally described as having a
3一loculed ovary.In Kanehira’s“Formosan Trees Re—
vised Edition”.the cross section of the ovary is illustra—
ted clearly as 3一loculed but the cross section of fruit is
5一loculed with 4 locules degenerating(Kanehira,1936,
fig.388:G & I).Examination of type materials by C.
E.Chang revealed that the ovary and fruit are 4一or 5一
loculed(Chang,1977,P1.766:1,4).In the infrageneric
system of Elaeocarpus(Tang,1992),species with 5一
loculed ovaries and fruit belong to Section Ganitrus but
species wi th 2一or 3一loculed ovaries and 1一loculed fruit
belong to Section Elaeocarpus.Since its ovary is 4一or
5-1oculed,E.hayatae is certainly not a member of the
Section Elaeocarpus but rather a member of the Sec—
tlon Ganitrus.
Since its leaves look sim lar to E.decipiens and
E.sylvestris,E.hayatae sometimes has been treated as
a synonym of these;however,as noted above E haya—
tae is in a separate section.
Only two species of the section Ganitrus are rec—
ognized in China,of which E.angustifolius Blame is
found in southern Yunnan.Elaeocapus hayatae Kane—
hira& Sasaki differs from E_angustifolius Blume in a
number of characteristics including glabrous(vs.pu—
bescent)branchlets,petioles,and abaxialleaf surfaces,
smaler leaves(7—13 X 2.5—3.5 vs.13—17 X 4-6 cm),fe—
wer lateral veins(6—8 vs.10-13),veins and veinlets dis—
tinctly(vs.poorly)anastomosing,sepals glabrous(vs.
puberulent)adaxially,petal segments 13—15(vs.15—25),
and 4一or 5一loeuled(vs.5一loculed)ovary and fruit.In
view of these differences,we prefer to treat it as a dis—
tinct species rather than a variety. In addition,up to
date records of geographical distribution indicated that
they are allopatric.This species is endemi c to Taiwan.
The discovery of both 4一loculed and 5一loculed o—
varies and fruit mi ght be important in the study of evo—
lution of this genus. E.hayatae is distributed in the
periphery of the section and the reduction in locules of
ovary and fruit mi ght be derived.
Elaeocarpus atropunctatus H.T.Chang,Acta Phy—
This species was described from Luoding,Guang—
Received date:2007-02-08 Accepted date:2007—06—16
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(39899400)[supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(39899400)]
作者简介:唐亚(1963一),男 ,贵州盘县人,教授 ,博士 ,主要从事植物学和生态学方面的研究。
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
3期 唐亚 :杜英属小记 289
dOng Province,with two collections only.Since then no
other collections have been reported. In the course of
this study,the author c~ls.e to see two collections from
Guangxi,which are deposited at the herbarium,Guangxi
Academy of Forest Sciences(GXFI).Tl1is species is
new to Guangxi.Guangxi. Du an County,Liang
Shengye 2000003 (GXFI);Pingxiang Municipality,
Daqingshan,Integrated Survey Team ,0691(GXFI).
Acknowledgements.This work is supported by a
grant of the National Science Foundation of Cl1ina
(NSFC398994OO). Assistance of Prof.Liang Shengye
in accessing herbafum specimens at Guangxi Academy
of Forest Sciences is duly acknowledged.
Chang CE.1977.Elaeocarpus[M]//Li HL(eds).Taipei:Flora of
Chang CE.1993.Elaeocarpaceae[M]//Huang TC(ed).Taipei:
Flora of Taiwan,3:714— 721
Kanehira R.1936.Formosan trees revised eNtion[M].T~hoko,
Formosa:Department of Forestry,Government Research Institu-
te,431—434(in Japanese)
Li H L.1963.Woody flora of Taiwan[M].The Moris Arbore·
tum,Philadelphia,PA.and the Livngston Publmhing Co.,Nar—
Tang Y.1992.Notes on the genus Elaeocarpus from China[J~.
Acta Phytotaxon Sin,3O:385·404
唐 亚
(四川大学 环境科学系 生物多样性与环境研究实验室,成都 610065)
摘 要:基于 4~5室的子房和果实,以及不同的嫩枝、叶、花被等特征,光 叶球果杜英是一个明显区别于园果杜
关键词:杜英属 ;台湾 ;广西
(上接第 319页 Continue from page 319)
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