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Effects of aqueous extract of four mosses on seed germination and early seedling growth of two Polygonaceae plants


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 29(4):518— 521 2009年 7月
俞 英1,郭水良1,2*,陈建华1,方 芳1
(1.浙江师范大学 化学与生命科学学院,浙江 金华 321004;2.上海师范大学 生命与环境科学学院,上海 200234)
摘 要:研究卯叶泥炭藓 (Sphagnum ovatum),卷叶凤尾藓 (Fissidens cristatus),弯叶灰藓 (Hypnum calli—
chroum)和大金发藓(Polytrichum commune)的水粗提取液对维管植物虎杖和皱叶酸模种子萌发和幼苗生长
的影响。结果显示 :四种苔藓植物的粗提取液对两种植物的种子萌发率并没有显著影 响。然而,弯叶灰藓 ,、
卵叶泥炭藓和卷叶凤尾藓 的提取液抑制了皱叶酸模种子的活力指数。除此之外,卷叶凤尾藓还显著地抑制了
它幼苗的干重 。四种藓类的提取液对虎杖的种子活力指数和干重,但是卷叶凤尾藓的提取液对幼苗的生长有
关键词:苔藓植物;皱叶酸模 ;虎杖;种子萌发;幼苗生长
中图分类号 :Q945 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—3142(2009)04—0518—04
Effects of aqueous extract of four mosses on
seed germination and early seedling growth
of two Polygonaceae plants
YU Ying ,GUO Shui—Liang , ,CHEN Jian-Hua ,FANG Fang1
(1.College of Chemistry and Li Science,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China;2.Co llege
0,nfe and E M m f Sciences,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
Abstract:In this paper,the possible influences of the aqueous extracts of four bryophytes(Sphagnum ovatum ,
Fissidens cristatus,Hypnum callichroum and Polytrichum commune)on the seed germination and young seed—
ling growth of two vascular plants(Rumex crispus,Polygonum cuspidatum)were investigated.The results
showed that the aqueous extracts of these four mosses didn’t affect seed germination.However,the crude a—
queous extracts of H.callichroum ,S.ovatum and F.cristatus inhibited the vigor indices of R.crispus.Further—
more,the crude aqueous extract of F.cristatus significantly enhanced its dry seedling mass,and F.cristatus and
S.ovatum significantly inhibited its seedling elongation.For P.cuspidatum ,the crude aqueous extracts of four
mosses had little effects on its vigor indices and dry mass,but the aqueous extract of F.cristatu had significant—
ly negative influences on its seedling elongation.The possible mechanism that the aqueous extracts of these
four bryophytes influencing seed germination and seedling growth of these two vascular plants was not deter—
mined.More studies are needed.
Key words:Bryophyte;Rumex crispus;Polygonum cuspidatum ;seed germination;seedling growth
Received date:2007—09—24 Accepted date:2008—10—04
Foundation item:Supported by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai MunicipaIity(O65458O23,08390513800);Leading Academic
Discipline Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Co mmission(J50401)
Biography:Yu Ying(1981一),female,Shangyu City of Zh@ang,postgraduate student,m~ofing OI1 plant ecology.
*Author for correspondence,E-mail:guoshuiliang@ 163.corn
4期 俞英等:四种苔藓提取液对二种蓼科植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响 519
1 Introducti0n
Bryophytes are small plants without true
stems,leaves,roots and vascular system,so they
have not been attracted importance for a long time.
However,as the main ground cover of many eco—
systems,bryophytes play an important role in the
population regeneration of some vascular plants
(Lin et a1.,2006;W illam et a1.,1997).Studies a—
bout the influences of bryophytes on the seed ger—
ruination and/or early seedling growth of vascular
plants were documented in various plant communi—
ties as well as greenhouse experiments(M anuela,
2000;Ekaterina& Joan,2003;Merit& Martin,
2004;Aimeedelach 8L Robin,2002).Most of them
commonly investigated the non 。chemical interac’
tions including the influence of microenvironment
caused by bryophyte mat.There is increasing infor—
mation about the chemical interactions between
bryophytes and vascular plants. Some secondary
compounds produced by bryophytes have been
proved to affect seed germination and seedling
growth(Lou,2006;Lin et a1.,2006). The fla—
vonoids from some mosses could inhibit the spore
germination,protonemal development of other bry—
ophyte species,as well as the root growth and even
cause the morphological alterations of some vascu—
lar plants(Adriana et a1.,2003;Asakawa,1981,
In the Beishan Mountain of Jinhua,Zhejiang
Province。China,two species of Polygonaceae,R.
crispus and P.cuspidatum often grow with some
mosses such as H.callichroum,F.cristatus,S.
0 ntu ,P.commune.On the basis of the available
information regarding the chemical interaction of
bryophytes on the seed germination and seedling
growth of other plants,we guessed that these mos—
ses might have some influences on populations of
R.crispusand P.cuspidatum ,but the evidences are
lacking.The objective of this study was therefore
to elucidate the possible influences of the aqueous
exacts of these four mosses on the seed germina—
tion and seedling growth of two species of Polygo—
n aCeae.
2 M ateria1 and M ethords
The seeds of P.cuspidatum and R.crispus
(Polygonaceae)were collected in September and
October 2006 from wild plants growing in Beishan
Mountain of Jinhua,Zhejiang Province,China(29。
13 N ;119。38 E,altitude 1 178 m).The seeds were
then stored in plastic bags at 4℃ in a fridge until
sowing.The seeds of P.cuspidatum have a high
coat—imposed dormancy mainly due to water imper—
meability. Therefore, additiona1 pretreatments
(98 sulphuric acid for five minutes)have been
conducted to overcome the coat dormancy.
Four mosses,S.ovatum ,F.cristatus,H.calH—
chr0 7 and P.commune were collected in October
and November 2006 in the Beishan of Jinhua,Zhe—
jfang Province,China,nearby the place where the
seeds of P.cuspidatum and R.crispus were collect—
ed.The materials were washed with running water
to wipe off the impurity,then washed with distilled
water and air—dried at 40 ℃ for 72 h,cut into 2-3
cm sections. The materials(1 O g)were extracted
with 250 mL of distilled water at 25℃ for 24 h in
the darkness. The extracts were filtered and cen—
trifuged at 1 500 rpm/min at 15℃ for 15 min.The
supernatants were stored at 4 ℃ for one week till
U se.
The study was conducted at the department of
botany research in Zhej fang Normal University.
Healthy and mature seeds were selected through
socking in water for five minutes.For both experi—
ments.selected seeds were sterilized using 1 Ja—
vel water for 10 min followed by repeated washing
(four times)with distilled water.The seeds of R.
crispus were then socked in the distilled water for
24 h at(25±0.5)℃ in the darkness,while the pre—
treated seeds of P.CU$pidatum were washed with
distilled water and then socked into distilled water
for 2 h at(25±0.5)℃ in the darkness.50 seeds of
R.crispus or 25 seeds of P.cuspidatum were
520 广 西 植 物 29卷
placed in 9 3 mm Petri dishes with two layers of fil—
ter paper moistened each with 5 mL of distilled wa—
ter(contro1)。or 5 mL aqueous extracts of the mos—
ses. Each experiment was conducted with three
replicates. To determine if the observed differences
could be a consequence of an osmotic potential effect,
we conducted an assay using solutions with an inert
solute(NaC1)of similar osmotic potentials as the aque—
OUS extracts.Seed germination tests were carried out
at 30/20℃ under a photoperiod of 10 h light/14 h
darkness.Seeds with radicles 2 mm long were counted
as germinated.Germination rate was recorded at 24 h
intervals until the cumulative number of germinated
seeds became stable in two consecutive records or when
100 germination was achieved.The number of ger—
minated seeds,length of root and shoot,dry weight of
seedling was recorded. The root length included the
total root and radicel elongation,while vigor index is
the product of percentage germination and root length
(Neeru & Johannes,2006).Germination data were
subjected to one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)u—
sing SPSS 15.0.
3 Results
3.1 Osmotic potential effect of the crude aqueous extract
on seed germination
The folowing observed differences were not re—
sulted from an osmotic potential effect,because assays
wi th solutions with electrical conductivity of 74.1,95.
2,346,and 538 Srn- (NaCl solution),which were sim-
ilar to those of the aqueous extracts of mosses。do not
Table 1 Effects of bryophyte leachate on seed germination and seedling growth of R.crispus and P.cuspidatum
Note:Values represent mean士 standard error.Values were compared with the control(P≤0.05).Means with the same leter do not differ signifi
eantly at the 5 leve1.
show significant difference(P.cuspidatum,F=0.25,P
一0.905;R.crispus,F=2.184,P一 0.144)in final ger—
mination percentage.
3.2 Effect of the aq ueous extracts of mosses on seed gel。
mination and seedling growth of R.crispus
For bryophyte species,no significant differences
were observed in the influences of the aqueous extracts
of four mosses on seed germination of R.crispus com—
pared with the eontrol(Table 1).However,the crude
aqueous extract of S.ovatum,F_cristatus W and H.
callichroum significantly decreased the seed vigor in—
dex. The lowest vigor index was recorded for the
effects of F.cristatus.However,the crude aqueous ex-
tract of P.commune and F.cristatus promoted signifi—
cantly seedling dry mass of R.crispus.Comparing to
the positive effects of P.commune,the effects of F.
cristatus was more positive.As for the seedling elon—
gation,only F.cristatus and S.ovatum had negative
effects(Table 1).
3.3 Effects of aqueous extract of mosses on seed germi-
nation an d seedling growth of P.cuspidatum
There were no or little effects of aqueous ex—
tracts of four mosses on seed germination of P.
cuspidatum as well as on vigor indices and dry
weight.Only the significantly negative effects of
the aqueous extract of F.cristatus could be re—
served on the length of seedling.
4 Discussion
Some secondary compounds of bryophytes often
have negative effects on other plants,especialy on oth—
er bryophytes and vascular plants,because most bryo—
phytes grow in the harsh environments,they not only
4期 俞英等:四种苔藓提取液对二种蓼科植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响 521
have to protect them from the invasion of bacteria,epi—
phytes,vermins and insects,but also compete with oth—
er plants for survival(Lou,2006).Recently,the crude
extracts of some mosses on the crop seed sprouting had
been studied(Du,et a1. ,2004).Lin et a1.(2006)stud-
ied two bryophytes in dark coniferous forest of Chang—
bai Mountains on three conifers seed germination and
seedling growth.The effects varied with the moss and
vascular plant species. Our results clearly indicated
that there were no or little effects for the crude aque—
OUS extract of the four mosses on the seed germination
of two Polygonaceae plants. However,the effects of
the crude extracts of four mosses on the seedling
growth of the two vascular plants were significant.
The effects varied with the bryophyte species and the
testees.In the present paper,the effect of the crude
extract of four mosses on seedling morphology of R.
crispus was more significant than oi1 seed growth of P.
cuspidatum ,which may be due to the size of the seeds.
Seed vigor index is 3n important physiological in—
dex for the ability of absorbing the nutrition and anab—
olism of root(Liu,2003).In this paper,the effects of
aqueous extracts of the mosses on seed vigor indices of
the two Polygonaceae plants was all significantly nega—
tive if there were some effects. The results provided
some evidences to support the relation between mosses
and vascular vegetables,but such relation varied with
moss species and vascular plants.There are two possi—
ble explanations of the effects of four mosses on seed—
ling growth observed in this paper.First,seedling may
be affected by the pH of the crude extract.It has been
showed that seedling growth in most of species was
markedly affected by pH,and the effects of pH on
roots always affected the seedling elongation,the fresh
and dry weight of seedling(Huang et a1.,2007).Sec—
ond,the effects might be related with the difference of
secondary compounds of mosses,which has been repor—
ted to regulate the plant growth. In spite of the fact
that the aqueous extract of four mosses studied in this
paper didn’t affect the seed germ ination of two Polyg—
onaceae plants,but those seedling with higher total
seedling dry mass and longer root length had superiori—
ty in penetrating in soil for surviva1.The early mortal—
ity of seedling may attribute to lower total seedling dry
mass and lower root length.
Acknowledgements W e thank ZUO Kang for
seed collection,HUANG Ting—Ting for preparing
for crude aqueous extract of bryophytes.
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