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赵春梅 , 杨和金 , 苏 梅 , 溥德荣 , 李 艳 , 黄志伟 , 钱永君
(云南省药物研究所 , 云南 昆明 650111)
  摘 要:目的:观察与比较石茶感冒胶囊过柱和未过柱二
种工艺样品的解热 、抗炎作用 ,为新药采用的提取工艺的合理
性提供药效学实验依据。方法:采用 2 , 4-二硝基苯酚致大鼠
发热 、蛋清致大鼠足关节肿胀 、二甲苯致小鼠耳廓炎症实验 ,
对二种工艺样品进行同等生药剂量的药效学对比研究。 结
果:二种工艺样品均能不同程度对抗 2 、4-二硝基苯酚所致大
致小鼠耳廓炎症。在同等生药剂量下 ,二种样品的药效作用
以过柱样品作用较好 , 且用药量小于未过柱样品;实验表明过
柱样品具有明确的解热 、抗炎作用。结论:在保证药效作用的
基础上 , 经过柱处理后的样品比未过柱样品更具优势。研究
中图分类号:R285.5 文献标识码:A
石茶感冒胶囊具有疏风散寒 、益气解表的功效 ,是中药经
提取精制而成的现代中药复方制剂 , 石茶感冒胶囊的提取采
用了二种工艺 , 未过柱样品为水提总提物 , 过柱样品为水提总
二种工艺样品(过柱样品 、未过柱样品)对解热 、抗炎的影响 ,
为提取工艺的合理性提供药效学实验依据 。
1 材料
1.1 仪器 AG285 型电子分析天平(METT LER TOLEDO
公司);欧姆龙 MC-142L 型电脑数字式体温计(欧姆龙(大
连)有限公司);ZH-YLS-7B 足趾容积测量仪(淮北正华生
1.2 试药 石茶感冒胶囊未过柱样品 , 批号 20080121;过柱
样品 , 批号 20080123;由云南省药物研究所提供。拜阿司匹灵
(阿斯匹林肠溶衣片)(Bayer H ealthCare AG 生产 , 批号
BTA6EC6);苦甘冲剂(青岛国风药业股份有限公司 , 批号
071012)。二甲苯(广东光华化学厂有限公司 , 批号:050920);
2 , 4 -二硝基苯酚(上海三爱思试剂有 限公司 , 批号
1.3 动物 SPF 级 ICR 小鼠 , 雌雄兼用 , 体重 18 ~ 22g;SPF
级 SD 大鼠 , 雄性 , 体重 180 ~ 250g;合格证号:SCXK(滇)
20050008 ,由昆明医学院动物中心提供。
2 方法与结果
2.1 对 2 , 4-二硝基苯酚致大鼠发热的影响[ 1]  选用 180 ~
250g 雄性 SD大鼠 90 只 , 按动物体重随机分为 9 组 , 分组及
给药情况见表 1。各组动物每日按剂量灌胃给药 1 次 , 连续
4d , 空白对照组灌服等容量纯水 , 灌胃容积均为 10m L· kg-1
体重。末次给药前各组大鼠测肛温 2 次(间隔 30min),以平均
值作为动物正常体温。末次灌胃后 30min ,以 10 mL · kg-1体
重的剂量于每鼠背部皮下注射 15mg ·mL -1的 2 , 4-二硝基
苯酚溶液致热 , 分别于致热后 30min、60min 、90min 和 120min
测量各鼠肛温 1 次 ,取其值作为各鼠致热后不同时间点的体
温 , 与致热前的体温差值作为体温变化值。见表 1。
表 1 2种工艺样品对 2 , 4-二硝基苯酚致大鼠发热的影响
(-x ±s, ℃)
致热后体温变化值(-x ±s, ℃)
30min 60min 90min 120min
空白对照 20mL 10 ig 38.43±0.22 0.84±0.36 1.24±0.58 0.87±0.35 0.78±0.35
拜阿司匹林 0.20g 10 ig 38.34±0.32 0.47±0.32*0.71±0.40*0.41±0.40*0.26±0.30**
苦甘冲剂 4.80g 10 ig 38.18±0.34 0.46±0.41* 0.79±0.48 0.53±0.37* 0.52±0.45
未过柱样品低 1.56g 10 ig 38.31±0.22 0.53±0.60 0.76±0.44 0.70±0.30 0.64±0.64
未过柱样品中 3.11g 10 ig 38.14±0.31 0.69±0.38 0.89±0.29 0.89±0.43 0.72±0.34
未过柱样品高 6.23g 10 ig 38.08±0.28 0.52±0.41 0.80±0.40 0.63±0.48 0.44±0.27*
过柱样品低 0.30g 10 ig 38.26±0.18 0.43±0.49*0.72±0.50*0.56±0.27*0.39±0.38*
过柱样品中 0.60g 10 ig 38.35±0.19 0.54±0.38 0.80±0.36 0.60±0.44 0.51±0.19
过柱样品高 1.20g 10 ig 38.36±0.23 0.49±0.24*0.74±0.30*0.51±0.32*0.36±0.32*
  与空白对照组比较:*P <0.05 , **P <0.01
实验结果表明 , 空白对照组大鼠皮下注射 2 , 4-二硝基苯
酚后 30min~ 120min 体温持续升高 , 表明造模成功;石茶感冒
胶囊以过柱样品 0.30g · kg-1剂量组 、1.20g · kg-1剂量组作
2.2 对二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀的影响[ 2]  选用 18~ 22g ICR
小鼠 90 只 ,按体重随机分为 9组 , 每组雌雄各 6 只 , 分组及给
药情况见表 2。除阿斯匹林组仅于实验当天灌胃给药外 , 其余
各组均预先每日灌胃给药 1次 , 连续 5d , 对照组灌服等容量纯
水 , 各组灌胃容积均为 20mL · kg -1 体重。 末次给药后
30min , 各组小鼠于右耳两面均匀涂抹二甲苯 0.05m L , 左耳不
涂为对照。致炎后 1h 脱颈椎处死动物 , 用直径 6mm 的打孔
器将双耳同部位等面积切下 ,取耳片称重 , 以两耳片重量之差
作为肿胀度。见表 2。
512009 年第 30 卷第 8 期          云 南 中 医 中 药 杂 志DOI :10.16254/j.cnki.53-1120/r.2009.08.038
表 2 2种工艺样品对二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀的影响
组别 剂量(· kg -1)
(-x ±s, m g)
空白对照 20m L 10 ig 10.26±2.15 ———
拜阿司匹林 0.20g 10 ig 1.31±1.52*** 87.25
苦甘冲剂 4.80g 10 ig 6.47±3.85** 36.96
未过柱样品低 1.56g 10 ig 5.29±1.57*** 48.42
未过柱样品中 3.11g 10 ig 1.47±1.26*** 85.70
未过柱样品高 6.23g 10 ig 1.82±1.98*** 82.29
过柱样品低高 0.30g 10 ig 1.42±1.23*** 86.19
过柱样品中 0.60g 10 ig 1.87±1.83*** 81.80
过柱样品高 1.20g 10 ig 2.48±3.01*** 75.87
  与空白对照组比较:**P<0.01 , ***P <0.001
实验结果表明 , 石茶感冒胶囊未过柱样品 、过柱样品高 、
中 、低剂量组作用显著(均为 P<0.001)。综合评价 , 二样品
抗炎作用相似 , 过柱样品的抗炎作用略强于未过柱样品。
2.3 对蛋清致大鼠足关节肿胀的影响[ 1]  选用 190 ~ 230g
雄性 SD大鼠 90 只 ,按体重随机分为 9组 ,每组 10 只 ,分组及
给药情况见表 3。各组动物每日按剂量灌胃给药 1 次 , 连续
4d , 对照组灌服等容量纯水 ,灌胃容积均为 10mL· kg -1体重。
末次给药后 60min ,于每鼠右后足跖腱膜下注射新鲜蛋清液致
炎 , 0.1mL/足。分别测定致炎前及致炎后 0.5h 、1h、2h 、4h 、6h
的足容积 , 以致炎前后足容积的差值作为肿胀度 , 并计算肿胀
百分率 , 见表 4。
表 3 2种工艺样品对蛋清致大鼠足肿胀度的影响
(-x ±S ,mL)
致炎后足肿胀度(-x ±s ,mL)
30min 1h 2h 4h 6h
空白对照 20mL 10 i g 1.46 ±0.10 0.79 ±0.27 1.09±0.19 1.21±0.22 1.18±0.13 1.04±0.20
拜阿司匹林 0.20g 10 i g 1.42 ±0.13 0.73 ±0.36 0.88±0.30 0.94±0.33*0.79±0.30**0.69±0.19**
苦甘冲剂 4.80g 10 i g 1.42 ±0.18 0.65 ±0.23 0.88±0.21* 0.97±0.24* 1.01±0.31 0.79±0.28*
未过柱样品低 1.56g 10 i g 1.46 ±0.06 0.80 ±0.26 1.10±0.34 1.18±0.46 0.97±0.36 0.92±0.27
未过柱样品中 3.11g 10 i g 1.41 ±0.12 0.74 ±0.29 0.82±0.30* 0.95±0.26* 1.05±0.20 0.77±0.33*
未过柱样品高 6.23g 10 i g 1.42 ±0.26 0.60 ±0.28 0.98±0.36 1.10±0.22 1.07±0.32 0.73±0.28*
过柱样品低 0.30g 10 i g 1.34 ±0.17 0.58 ±0.19 0.83±0.25* 0.94±0.24*0.83±0.23**0.74±0.20**
过柱样品中 0.60g 10 i g 1.43 ±0.12 0.74 ±0.27 1.01±0.19 0.98±0.32 0.85±0.37* 0.95±0.24
过柱样品高 1.20g 10 i g 1.42 ±0.13 0.61 ±0.32 0.85±0.31 0.92±0.35*0.89±0.26**0.75±0.33*
  与空白对照组比较:*P<0.05 , **P<0.01
表 4 2种工艺样品对蛋清致大鼠足肿胀率的影响
(-x ±s ,mL)
致炎后足肿胀度(-x ±s ,mL)
30min 1h 2h 4h 6h
空白对照 20mL 10 ig 1.46±0.10 53.92±18.77 74.81±14.26 82.87±13.34 81.11±8.80 71.29±11.50
拜阿司匹林 0.20g 10 ig 1.42±0.13 51.83±25.88 62.59±21.52 66.67±23.67 56.07±21.69** 49.40±14.31**
苦甘冲剂 4.80g 10 ig 1.42±0.18 47.57±21.78 63.81±22.30 70.68±24.32 73.59±28.90 57.26±24.99
未过柱样品低 1.56g 10 ig 1.46±0.06 55.38±18.48 75.49±23.68 81.76±32.64 66.83±25.40 63.26±19.70
未过柱样品中 3.11g 10 ig 1.41±0.12 53.01±23.04 58.08±18.45* 66.97±16.48* 75.01±16.70 52.43±11.23**
未过柱样品高 6.23g 10 ig 1.42±0.26 43.82±22.46 72.78±33.10 81.00±25.59 78.62±30.77 53.64±23.34
过柱样品低 0.30g 10 ig 1.34±0.17 43.24±10.81 61.84±15.19 70.38±14.50 62.28±14.76** 58.29±25.22
过柱样品中 0.60g 10 ig 1.43±0.12 53.09±20.29 71.44±15.37 68.50±21.36 59.86±25.63* 67.42±18.01
过柱样品高 1.20g 10 ig 1.42±0.13 44.84±26.91 62.33±27.36 67.64±31.14 63.84±22.32* 55.00±28.64
  与空白对照组比较:*P <0.05 , **P <0.01
由表 3和 4可见 , 石茶感冒胶囊过柱样品 0.30g · kg-1剂
量组 、1.20g· kg -1剂量组能明显抑制蛋清所致大鼠足肿胀 ,
过柱样品 0.60g · kg-1剂量组于致炎后 4h 能抑制蛋清所致大
鼠足肿胀(P<0.05);未过柱样品 3.11g · kg-1剂量组能明显
4 讨论
感冒是由多种病毒引起的一种呼吸道常见病, 主要临床症
状为:咽部干痒或灼热 、喷嚏 、鼻塞 、流涕, 并伴随低热 、头痛 、咳
绕感冒的主要临床症状 ,选择多种动物实验模型 , 观察石茶感
同程度对抗 2、4-二硝基苯酚所致大鼠的体温升高;抑制蛋清
生药剂量下 ,综合评价过柱样品的药效强于未过柱样品;因过
柱样品的提取率小于未过柱样品 ,同等生药剂量下的用药量远远
小于未过柱样品,故可大大减少临床服用量;经实验结果表明, 过
柱样品具有明确的解热 、抗炎作用。综上所述 ,在保证药效作用
的基础上 ,经过柱处理后的样品比未过柱样品更具有优势。研究
[ 1] 陈奇.中药药理研究方法学[M] .北京:人民卫生出版社, 1993:300.
[ 2] 陈奇.中药药理研究方法学[M] .北京:人民卫生出版社, 1994:70.
(上接第 50 页)稍微挥干再喷磷钼酸硫酸溶液显色 , 因为苦杏
仁苷受热易分解不稳定在加热回流和 105℃加热容易分解。
4 结论
苦杏仁 、甜杏仁 、桃仁 、山桃仁 ,四者药皆为果仁 , 四者显微
结构比较除甜杏仁中有簇晶 , 另外三种均没有。四者从种皮的
脉纹进行鉴别 , 既准确又易于操作;薄层鉴别不易区分出四者
血作用。杏仁与桃仁是两类不同的中药 , 本试验为杏仁与桃仁
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52 云 南 中 医 中 药 杂 志          2009 年第 30 卷第 8 期
Yunnan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica
Vo l.30.No.8 (General No .194) August ,2009
Main Content
Exploration of TLC in the Quality Standard of Tuihuang Topical Lotion
   HUANG shi-sun , WANG Yan-ning , GAO Gui-e , et al⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
Physical and Chemical Identification of Semen Persicae and Semen Armeniacae Amarum and their Anticoagulant Effect on Rabbits
   WANG Fu-cheng , LIU Fang-lei⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
Comparative Study on the Antipyretic t and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Shichaganmao Capsules Made by Two Sample Processes
   ZHAO Chun-mei , YANG He-jin , SU Mei , et al⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
Effect of Different Decoction Processes on the Quality of Paeony Compound Decoction
   PU Wei-ya , WAN Wei-zhong⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
Exploration of TLC in the Quality Standard of Tuihuang Topical Lotion
H UANG shi-sun , WANG Yan-ning , GAO Gui-e , et al
(Nanning F irst Peoples Hospital , Nanning , Guangxi , 530022)
Abstract:Objective: T o establish TLC method for the quality standard of T uihuang topical lo tio n.Methods: Thin-layer
chromatography was used to make a thin-layer qualitative identification for Rhubarb , M int , Chaihu , Salvia miltior rhiza , Radix Codonopsis
and Lico rice.Results:Only TLC spots o f Rhubarb and M enthol were clear , with no interference in the neg ative control , and could be used
as qualitative identification while TLC spots of the others were not clear , with interference in the negative control.Conclusion:TLC of
Rhubarb and M enthol is easy to operate and has specificity and g ood reappea rance and can be used for the quality qualitative identificatio n of
the lotion.
Key words:Tuihuang topical lotion;quality standa rd;quality standard;TLC
Physical and Chemical Identification of Semen Persicae and Semen Armeniacae Amarum and their Anticoagulant Effect on Rabbits
WANG Fu-cheng , L IU Fang-lei
(Department of Pharmacy , Bozhou Vocational T echnical Colleg e, Bozhou , Anhui , 236800)
Abstract:Objective T o study the effectiveness and identification of Semen armeniacae and Semen persicae.Methods:Paraffin sections
were used to compare their micro scopic tissue structures and amygdalin was used as a reference substance to co nduct TLC.Capillary method
was used to compare their effects on the clotting time of rabbits.Results:The veining identification was accurate and easy to operate.TLC
could distinguish their composition differences.Semen persicae had a better anticoag ulant effect.Conclusio n:Semen a rmeniacae amarum and
Semen persicae a re two different kinds of Chinese traditional drug s.The experiment provides scientific basis fo r the identification of Semen
armeniacae and Semen persicae.
Key words:Semen persicae;Semen armeniacae amarum;anticoagulant
Comparative Study on the Antipyretic t and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Shichaganmao Capsules Made by Two Sample Processes
ZHAO Chun-mei , YANG He-jin , SU Mei , et al
(Yunnan Institute of Materia Medica, Kunming , Yunnan , 650111)
Abstract:Objective:To compa re the antipy retic and anti-inflammatory effects of Shichag anmao capsules made by two sample processes
and provide pharmacodynamic ex perimental evidence for the rationality of the extractio n technology o f new drugs.Methods:2 , 4 –
dinitrophenol was used to induce fever in rats and egg white to induce the foot joint sw elling in rats , xy lene to induce mouse ear inflammation
to compare the harmacody namics of the same do se of crude drug made by the two sample processes.Results:The tw o sample processed
capsules could lower the temperature of the 2 , 4– dinitropheno l-induced rats , inhibit the foot joint swelling of the egg w hite induced mice
and obviously inhibit the ea r inflammation of the xylene-induced mice.In the same dose of the crude drug , the two sample processed
capsules had a better effect than the co lumn chromatog raphy samples , and the do sage was less than the column samples.The experiments
showed that the column samples had an obvious antipy retic and anti-inflamma to ry effect.Conclusio n:Based on the guarantee of the drug
efficacy , the samples processed by the column chroma tog raphy is better than the samples no t processed by the column chromatography.
Key words:Shichaganmao capsule;column chromatog raphy , antipyretic;anti-inflammatory
Effect of Different Decoction Processes on the Quality of Paeony Compound Decoction
PU Wei-ya , WAN Wei-zhong
(Jiangsu Chinese Medicine Hospital , Nanjing , Jiang su 210029)
Abstract:Objective:To study the effect of boiling processes on the quality of Paeony compound decoction and to make the best boiling
process.Methods:Automatic decoction machine and traditional decoction process were used to boil the prescriptio n herbal medicines and the
same facto rs were set.HPLC was used to determine the content of paeoniflorin in the decoctio n.Results:Medicinal mate rials were soaked
for 60min and boiled twice for 30min in the traditional way.The boiled decoction has the highest content of paeo niflo rin , 0.371mg/ml.
Based on the indicator , the decoction had the highest content of paeoniflo rin both in the decoction made by the automatic decoction machines
and traditional decoction process.Conclusion:By the comparison of the decoction made by the machine and the traditio nal process , the
traditional process is of mo re efficiency and the decoction is more effective , even if on the same factor in the liquid of per ml , the paeoniflo rin
content in the deco ction made by traditional process is higher than that made by the machine.
Key words:automatic decoction machine;traditional process;paeoniflo rin;HPLC;content determination