Carbonic Anhydrase Ⅱ : Structures , Functions and Inhibitors The mechnism of the characters of inorganic carbon acquisition to temperature in two Ulva species Cloning and Expression of Longan Carbonic Anhydrase Gene Under Low Temperature Stress Cloning and Expression of Longan Carbonic Anhydrase Gene Under Low Temperature Stress Determination of the stable carbon isotope composition in atmospheric carbon dioxide based on plants cultured in bidirectional tracers Comparison of the physiological characteristics of paper mulberry(Broussonetia papyrifera)and mulberry(Morus alba)under simulated drought stress Effect of Salicylic Acid on Salinity-induced Changes in Brassica juncea Impacts of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Biochemical Composition, Carbonic Anhydrase, and Nitrate Reductase Activity of Freshwater Green Algae Effects of drought on photosynthesis and the physiological indices in tomato Inorganic Carbon Utilization Traits of Three Woody Species Growing in the Mountain Area of Guizhou Province Comparative Mechanisms of Photosynthetic Carbon Acquisition in Hizikia fusiforme Under Submersed and Emersed Conditions Inorganic Carbon Utilization in Some Marine Phytoplankton Species Impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus on inorganic carbon utilization and carbonic anhydrase activity in Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima Modulation and adaptation of carbonic anhydrase activity in Microcystis spp. under different environmental factors Researches on activity of carbonic anhydrase from soil and its bacteria in different Karst ecosystems and its ecological significance