Identification of the Copy Number of Exogenous Gene in Transgenic Citrus by Quantitative Real-time PCR The N2O concentration and the relationships with ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and denitrifiers abundance in root zone and row of summer maize DETERMINATION OF COPY NUMBER OF REPETITIVE DNA SEQUENCE pRRD9 IN GENUS ORYZA Reduction of Amylose Contents in Transgenic Rice with Different Copies of Anti-Waxy Gene Detection of Transgene Copy Number in Transgenic Soybean by Real-time Fluorescence Quantitative PCR Estimating copy number of transgenic gene by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR(TaqMan) Evolution of the cyclin gene family in plants Isolation of Rice EPSP Synthase cDNA and Its Sequence Analysis and Copy Number Determination Progress of research on △12 fatty acid desaturases and their coding genes Molecular Mechanism of Genomic Stability and iPS Cells Reprogramming Screening and Analysis of Mutiple Copy of Oleate Desaturase Gene (fad2) in Brassica napus Identification of the Copy Number of Exogenous Gene in Transgenic Citrus by Quantitative Real-time PCR

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