Delayed cardioprotection of Gingkgo biloba leaf extract and its mechanisms Characteristics of potassium channel of different tobacco genotypes Endothelium-independent vasorelaxant effect of puerarin on rat thoracic aorta Discovery of potential ATP-sensitive potassium channel openers with potential hypotensive activity from Chinese herbs based on molecular simulation Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Potassium Channel Gene NKT6 in Nicotiana sylvestris Electrophysiological mechanism of root length growth of Arabidopsis thaliana inhibition by JA-Me Relaxant effect of salianic acid Aisopropyles teron rat pulmonary artery and its mechanism Roles of potassium channel in effects of resveratrol on isolated myocardial contractility and heart rate research in guinea pig Endothelium-independent vasorelaxant effect of Taurine on rat aorta rings