THE EFFECT OF NUTRIENT SUPPLY ON SEXUAL AND ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF THREE SPECIES OF GLOBBA The effect of temperature and food supply on the asexual reproduction of moon jelly (Aurelia sp.1) polyps Comparative study of biological characters and paeoniflorin content of wild and asexual cultivated Paeonia lactiflora growing at Duolun county, Inner Mongolia Differences in growth and reproductive characters of Rosa hugonis in the dry valley of Upper Minjiang River, Sichuan Studies on the Asexual Reproduction of? Tschonosk Trillium(Trillium tschonoskii) Expansion strategies of Caragana stenophylla in the arid desert region Discovery of the Asexual Reproduction Genetic law of Plant Effect of temperature, moisture and illumination on sporulation by Glomerella cingulata Biomass Allocation of Scirpus mariqueter Along an Elevational Gradient in a Salt Marsh of the Yangtse River Estuary Primary Study on Reproduction Strategies of Caragana roborovskyi in the Arid Desert Region Size-dependent of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Viola tuberifera(Violaceae)bulbs allocation STUDIES ON TOPOPHYSIS IN ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF GINKGO BILOBA L. A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF WATERLILY EFFECTS OF INITIAL CLONE NUMBER ON MORPHOLOGICAL PLASTICITY AND BIOMASS ALLOCATI ON OF THE INVASIVE SPARTINA ANGLICA Isolation and characterization of new set of microsatellite loci in Cryptocarya chinensis

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