Sarcostemma R.Br., a newly recorded genus of Asclepiadaceae from Guangxi Evaluation on soil pollution in Pingle Manganese Mine of Guangxi using Vicia faba root-tip cells micronucleus testing Spatial pattern of soil organic carbon of the main forest soils and its influencing factors in Guangxi, China Responses of ecosystem service values to landscape pattern change in typical Karst area of northwest Guangxi, China. The response of ecosystem service values to ambient environment and its spatial scales in typical karst areas of northwest Guangxi, China Lagarosolen jingxiensis Yan Liu, H. S. Gao & W. B. Xu, A New Species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China Flora Studies on Aquatic Vascular Plants in Wetland of Guangxi Province A New Species of Phrynium Willd. (Marantaceae) from Guangxi A New Species of Sabia Colebr. (Sabiaceae) from Guangxi BIOMASS PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY OF EUCALYPTUS UROPHYLLA TWO NEW TAXA OF PRIMULA LINN. (PRIMULACEAE) FROM GUANGXI, CHINA QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON THE RELATIOSHIP BETWEENTHE FLORA OF HUNAN-GUIZHOU-GUANGXI BORDER REGION AND THE NEIGHBOURING FLORAS Species Diversity and Moss Flora of Sino Vietnam Border Area (Yunnan & Guangxi, China) Floristic characteristics of endemic plants to Guangxi Stenochlaenaceae, a new recorded family of ferns from Guangxi Construction of core collection and genetic diversity of landrace rice resources (Oryza sativa) in Guangxi Primulina bullata, a new species of Primulina  (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi Comparative study on the photosynthetic light response characteristics of Dysosma guangxiensis and D. versipellis Studies of microsporogenesis and male gametophyte formation of Michelia guangxiensis Notes on Calocedrus(Cupressaceae)in Guangxi, China Investigation on the plant resources of genus Uvaria in Guangxi Study on the orchid diversity of Yachang Nature Reserve in Guangxi Flora of the seed plants in Huaping National Nature Reserve, Guangxi The alien invasive plants in Guangxi Preliminary study on flora of seed plants of vegeta-tion in Mt.Yuanbaoshan, Guangxi, China Anti-soil erodibility of different land use types in Northwest Guangxi Karst Regions Biomass and Its Allocation in Pinus massoniana Plantation at Different Stand Ages in East Guangxi New Records of Lamiaceae from Guangxi,China Progress and Thinking of Conservation of Wild Rice in Guangxi Carbon accumulation and distribution in Pinus massonianaand Cunninghamia lanceolata mixed forest ecosystem in Daqingshan, Guangxi of China The comparison of properties of Karst soil and Karst erosion ratio under different successional stages of Karst vegetation in Nongla, Guangxi

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