The starvation endurance of Ummeliata insecticeps The Morphological Responses and Endurance of Polygonum hydropiper to Flooding Stress RESEARCH ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL INDEX OF DROUGHTENDURANCE FOR SEVERAL SPECIES OF NEEDLE-LEAVES AND BROAD-LEAVES TREES A DISCUSSION ON A METHOD FOR CALCULATING SAFETY AND ALLOWABLE HIGH-STRAIN FORMULA OF BAND SAW-BLADE Endurance ability of transgenic Common carp under different environmental conditions Analysis of environmental endurance of winter wheat/summer maize rotation system to nitrogen in North China Plain Influences of low temperature domestication and exterior saccharides on endurance of Scytonema javanicum to cold stress Response to aluminum toxicity of four common weeds roots and border cells Studies on the shade-endurance capacity of Glycyrrhiza uralensis WET ENDURANCE OF BARLEY DWARF MUTANTS Physiological and biochemical characteristics of Myricaria laxiflora,an endangered species in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF FOUR SOUTHERN HERBACEOUS PLANTS TO ALUMINIUM STRESS