Identification of Fruit Cell Source of Graft Chimera‘Zaohong’Navel Orange and Analysis of Soluble Sugars,Organic Acids and Aromas of Fruit Identification of Fruit Cell Source of Graft Chimera‘Zaohong’Navel Orange and Analysis of Soluble Sugars,Organic Acids and Aromas of Fruit Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Five Pines Using cpSSR and AFLP Markers Screening and analysis of chloroplast SSR primers in ramie Genetic diversity in kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus)UG93 cytoplasmic male sterile lines,maintainer lines and restorer lines revealed by ISSR and cpSSR markers Genetic Diversity and Implications for Conservation of Dipteronia Olive. Utility of Arabidopsis Chloroplast Simple Sequence Repeat(cpSSR)Primers in Cabbage(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) Identification of the Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Medicago Germplasms by Two Kinds of SSR Markers Diversity of Chloroplast DNA SSRs in the Wild and Cultivated Chestnuts(Castanea mollissima) cpSSR Analysis of Variation of Genetic Diversity in Temporal Dimension of Natural Population of Pinus koraiensis in Liangshui National Nature Reserve Studies on Genetic Background of Important Germplasm Resources Among Citrus Based on cpSSR and EST-SSR Marker Genetic Diversity of Poncirus and Its Phylogenetic Relationships with Relatives as Revealed by Nuclear and Chloroplast SSR Genetic Diversity of Poncirus and Its Phylogenetic Relationships with Relatives as Revealed by Nuclear and Chloroplast SSR Utility of Arabidopsis Chloroplast Simple Sequence Repeat(cpSSR)Primers in Cabbage(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) Studies on Genetic Background of Important Germplasm Resources Among Citrus Based on cpSSR and EST-SSR Marker

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