Study on the Floral Biology and Breeding System of Heteroplexis Plants Flowering Biology of Lycium barbarum L. NQ-2 Flower Structure and Biological Characteristics of Flowering and Pollination in Iris japonica Thunb. Comparative study on floral traits and breeding system of Hibiscus syriacus and H.trionum Study on the Characteristics of Reproductive Biology of Alfalfa Study on Mating System of 3 Elymus spp. Comparative Studies on Floral Dynamics and Breeding System Between Eleutherococcus senticosus and E.sessiliflorus Pollination Biology of Endangered Elaeagnus mollis Diels Population Pollen-ovule ratio and scanning electron microscope observation to pollen morphology of Feijoa sellowiana A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON FLORAL SYNDROMA AND BREEDING SYSTEM OF THE RARE PLANT RHODIOLA DUMULOSA FLORAL SYNDROME AND BREEDING SYSTEM OF LOBELIA CHINENSIS, A PERENNIAL HERB WITH STAMEN FUSION Preliminary Study on Floral Syndroma and Breeding System for Five Species of Rehmannia (Scrophulariaceae) Floral Dynamic and Mating System of Diploid Allium caeruleum from Tianchi,Tianshan Mountains Floral syndrome and breeding system of Erigeron breviscapus Floral Dynamic and Mating System of Diploid Allium caeruleum from Tianchi,Tianshan Mountains Pollen-Ovule Ratio and Gamete Investment in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) A Study on Breeding System of the Endangered Plant Cistanche deserticola Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Iris tectorum

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