Esteras isoenzymes analysis of different germplasm materials of Ilex kudingcha Chemical constituents of Ilex kudingcha leaves Micro-morphological Characteristics of Leaf Epdermis for Ilex kudingcha and Its Relative Species and Their Taxonomical Significance The Infuential Factors of RAPD in Ilex kudingcha and the Optimization of the Experimental Conditions Simultaneous determination of seven triterpenoid saponins in Ilex kudingcha with HPLC CALLUS INDUCTION AND BROWNING INHIBITION IN ILEX KUDINGCHA C. J. TSENG MICROMORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF FRUIT COATS IN ILEX KUDINGCHA C.J.TSENG AND RELATIVE SPECIES AND THEIR TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE Chemical constituents of Ilex kudingcha leaves Chemical constituents in roots of Ilex kudingcha