Molecular Evidence for the Hybrid Origin of Bauhinia blakeana (Caesalpinioideae) The identity of Bauhinia claviflora and of B. dioscoreifolia (Leguminosae) LEAF VENATION OF CERCIDEAE(LEGUMINOSAE) THREE SPECIES OF BAUHINIA L.(LEGUMINOSAE) MW TO CHINA Dentification of Three Species in Bauhinia and Hybrid Origin of Bauhinia blakeana Using ISSR Markers Ecological and Biological Characteristics of Bauhinia corymbosa A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE POLLINATION ECOLOGY OF BAUHINIA CHAMPIONII(BENTH.) BENTH.(LEGUMINOSAE)IN HONK KONG Chemical constitutents of Bauhinia aurea Pollen Morphology of Bauhinia Species Endemic to China (Caesalpiniaceae) PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LECTIN FROM BAUHINIA CHAMPIONII BENTH. Chalcones from Bauhinia glauca subsp. pernervosa Studies on Chemical Constituents of Bauhinia hupehara Craib A Bauhinia(Leguminosae)Species New to China Studies on the chemical constituents in vine stem of Bauhinia championii (Ⅰ) Dihydroflavonol glycosides and flavan-3-ols from Bauhinia aurea Dentification of Three Species in Bauhinia and Hybrid Origin of Bauhinia blakeana Using ISSR Markers Advances in research of chemical constituents and pharmacological activites of Bauhinia Spermodermal micro-morphology of Bauhinia ( Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae )

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