Protoplasts Culture and Asymmetric Somatic Hybridization Between Medicago sativa and Lotus corniculatus New Alien Additon Lines Resistance to Black Rot Generated by Somatic Hybridization Between Cauliflower and Black Mustard New Alien Additon Lines Resistance to Black Rot Generated by Somatic Hybridization Between Cauliflower and Black Mustard Morphological and Cytological Characterization of Somatic Hybrids Obtained by Tri-parental Protoplast Fusion in Brassica Species Morphological and Cytological Characterization of Somatic Hybrids Obtained by Tri-parental Protoplast Fusion in Brassica Species Somatic Hybridization between Carrot and Bupleurum scorzonerifolium and Esteras Isoenzyme Analysis Preliminary Study of Asymmetric Protoplast Fusion Between Celery (Apiumgraveolens L. ) and CMS Carrot (Daucus ca rota L. ) The Phenotype Evolution and Transfer Breeding of Black Rot Resistance in Somatic Hybrids Between Cauliflower and Black Mustard Regeneration of Hybrid Plantlets Via Pollen-Hypocotyl Protoplast Fusion in Brassica spp. Preliminary Study of Asymmetric Protoplast Fusion Between Celery (Apiumgraveolens L. ) and CMS Carrot (Daucus ca rota L. ) STUDIES ON POLLEN-SOMATIC PROTOPLAST FUSION BETWEEN BRASSICA CHINENSIS AND B. JUNCEA PRELIMINARY STUDY ON HYBRID CHROMOSOME COMPOSITION AND RELATIONSHIP IN SYMMETRIC HYBRIDIZATION BETWEEN TRITICUM AESTIVUM AND INTERGENERIC GRASSES Plant Regeneration from Asymmetric Somatic Hybrids of Oryza sativa and Panicum maximum Fertile Hybrid Plant Regeneration from Somatic Hybridization Between Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum Unexpected Ploidy Variation of the Somatic Hybrid Plants Between Citrus sinensis and Clausena lansium Production of Somatic Hybrid Plants Between Two Types of Wheat Protoplasts and the Protoplasts of Haynaldia villosa Pollen-Mesophyll Protoplast Fusion and Hybrid Plant Regeneration in Nicotiana The Phenotype Evolution and Transfer Breeding of Black Rot Resistance in Somatic Hybrids Between Cauliflower and Black Mustard

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