Effects of Plastic Film Mulching Cultivation on Young Roots Growth Development, Tuber Formation and Tuber Yield of Sweet Potato Microtuber Induction in Vitro from Rehmannia glutinosa Biochemical Indicators for Storability of Eight Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Tuberous Roots in Postharvest Storage Process Observation of prime position and driving zones in process of tuberous root expanding and expression analysis of phytohormone relative genes in Rehmannia glutinosa Study on optimization of induction system of test-tube tuberous roots from leaves of Rehmannia glutinosa Effect of LON GYAN SHEN on blood pressure in spontaneous hypertens ion and SD rats Catalpol Histochemistry and Ultrastructure in Tuberous Roots of Rehmannia glutinosa f.huechingensis Variation of Endogenous Hormones of Tuberous Root of Rehmannia glutinosa in vitro Morphogenesis in Formative Process of Tuberous Root in vitro from Rehmannia glutinosa Studies on Organ Phytomorphology of Leaveos from Rehmannia glutinosa