Study on preparation of phenols gastric floating tablet Chemical constituents of flavonoids and their glycosides in Melastoma dodecandrum Research on in Vitro Culture for Plant Regenera tion and Cultivation ofOrnamenta l of Melastoma dodecandrum Dtermination of gallic acid and quercetin in traditional She Medicine-Melastoma dodecandrum by HPLC Chemical constituents of Melastoma dodecandrum(Ⅱ) Research on in Vitro Culture for Plant Regenera tion and Cultivation ofOrnamenta l of Melastoma dodecandrum Dtermination of gallic acid and quercetin in traditional She Medicine-Melastoma dodecandrum by HPLC Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Chinese Herb Melastoma dodecandrum Determination of gallic acid in Melastoma dodecandrum by RP-HPLC