Progress, limitation and strategies in using plants to produce biopharmaceuticals GENERATION OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY AND DEVELOPMENT OF BLOCKING ELISA KIT FOR RACTOPAMINE Review on the Immunogenicity of Pathogenic Vibrio Outer Membrane Proteins Preparation of monoclonal antibody against proteins of ginkgo diterpene lactones meglumine injection Synthesis and identification of artificial antigen of loganin and preliminary study on its immunogenicity ELISA Expression and Identification of Recombinant A Domain of Adhesin Fnbp A from Staphylococcus aureus in Bovine Milk Transgenic Tobacco Expressing a Modified VP6 Gene Protects Mice Against Rotavirus Infection Immunogenicity and Immunoprotection of Translocation Protein B(TolB)in Vibrio alginolyticus Preparation and immunogenicity identification of artificial antigen for luteoloside Synthesis and identification of rutin complete antigen and analysis its immunogenicity Study of immunogenicity of chlorogenic acid-BSA with different number of CGA

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