Causes of Seedless Forming of Nanfeng Tangerine Investigation and Analysis of Fertility Characteristics of Oryza rufipogon Griff . in North Part of Hainan Province MAIN BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF SERIES OF MUTANT WAXY RICES DEVELOPED FROM IRRADIATION-INDUCED MUTATION Characterization of a novel DUF1618 gene family in rice STUDIES ON RELATIONS BETWEEN FERTILITY TRANSFORMATION OF NONGKEN 58s AND IAA OXIDASE AND PEROXIDASE Identif ication of RAPD Marker Linked to Pollen Fertility Gene and Conversion to SCARMarker in Peach SSR Identification of Potato Hybrid Lines and Pollen Fertility and Chromosome Configuration Analysis Identif ication of RAPD Marker Linked to Pollen Fertility Gene and Conversion to SCARMarker in Peach Pollen fertility and cytological observation of a thermosensitive genic male sterile line of non-pollen type XianS in rice(Oryza sativa L.) A PRELIMILARY STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEAT SHOCK RESPONSE AND POLLEN FERTILITY TRANSFORMATION OF A CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILE LINE OF RICE(ORYZA STIVA) Correlation Analysis between Pollen Fertility and Panicle Exsertion in P(T)GMS Rice with eui Gene Fertility Alteration and Utilization of Male-sterile Line 160S in Brassica napus Causes of Seedless Forming of Nanfeng Tangerine Flowering Characteristics and Fertility of Common Wild Rice in Danzhou, Hainan, China Cytological Observation of Microsporogenesis of Hybrid F1 Derived from Male Sterile Line and Transgenic Strong Restorer in Upland Cotton Preliminary Studies on the Relationship between Lu Dao and Native Rice Varieties in Yunnan(Qryza sativa L.) Inheritance of Pollen Fertility in Progenies of an Indica-japonica Hybrid Rice, IR36/Kamairazu Reaction of Pollen Fertility to High or Low Temperature Stresses in CMS-Based Hybrid Cotton Studies on Karyotype of Sinojackia xylocarpa Hu and Observations on Its Meiosis of Pollen Mother Cell

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