Effect of conservation tillage on wheat yield and soil physicochemical properties in the south of Loess Plateau Effects of biological soil crust on soil physicochemical properties in water-wind erosion crisscross region, northern Shaanxi Province, China Influence of seasonal exclosure on plant and soil characteristics in typical steppe Effects of Different Re-vegetation Patterns on Soil Physicochemical
Properties and Bacterial Community in Kunyang Phosphate-mine
Effects of different exclosure management on soil and plant characteristics of sandy grassland Effects of tillage methods on soil physicochemical properties and biological characteristics in farmland: A review. Effects of the Close-to-Nature Cultivation of Larix olgensis and Fraxinus mandshurica on the Soil Physiochemical Properties Dynamics of soil microbial biomass C, N along restoration chronosequences in pine plantations Dynamics of Soil Physicochemical Properties during the Natural Restoration and Succession of Typical Steppe in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Soil Properties of Meadow Wetlands for Different Altitudes in Gahai of Gannan