Effect of geniposide on lithogenesis of cholesterol calculus in gall ducts of syria golden hamsters Antiinflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides) Study on specific chromatograms of Crocus sativus and authenticity identification Chemical constituents of monoterpenes in fruits of Gardenia jasminoides Studies on chemical constituents of Gardenia jasminoides var. radicans Purification of totalirido idglyco sides and geni posidein Gardeniajas minoides with HP D 450 ma croporousresin Studies on chemical constituents of Gardenia jasminoides var. radicans The Relation Between the Membrane Protective System and Semilethal Temperature of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis Leaves as Temperature Fell Chemical constituents from flowers of Gardenia jasminoides Adaptation of Gardenia jasminoides leaves to natural temperature reduction Comparative study on serum pharmacochemistry of Gardenia jasminoides under physiological and pathological status Comparative study on serum pharmacochemistry of Gardenia jasminoides under physiological and pathological status A new lignan from Gardenia jasminoides