Aluminum-tolerant characteristics of different Chamaecrista genotypes. Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Aluminum Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Using Recombinant Inbred Lines Correlations of shoot and root growth and its role in screening for aluminum tolerance in wheat Research progresses in aluminum tolerance mechanisms in plants Nylon Filter Arrays Reveal Differential Expression of Expressed Sequence Tags in Wheat Roots Under Aluminum Stress Variation of Al tolerance in the germplasm resources of centipedegrass in China The growth and physiology response of Al-tolerant and Al-sensitivecentipedegrass accessions on aluminum soil Tolerance of wheat genotypes to Al toxicity in relation to their rhizosphere pH change, NH4+ and NO3- uptake, and nitrate reduction under Al stress Differences of aluminum tolerance on wheat genotypes and its screening techniques Genetic Analysis of Al-Tolerance in Centipede Grass

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