Technology, unit operation, transference, and process engineering of Chinese materia medica Technology, unit operation, transference, and process engineering of Chinese materia medica A review of the environmental behavior and effects of black carbon in soils and sediments DYNAMICS OF TRANSFERENCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ~(95)Zr IN THE TEA-SOIL ECOSYSTEM Absorption mechanism of oxysophocarpine across Caco-2 cell monolayer mode Spatial transference of grazing space in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in the Songnen Plain CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE ANTHER WALL DEVELOPMENT AND THE INTERCELLULAR MIGRATION OF CHROMATIN IN (PMC‘‘‘‘s) OF ASTRAGALUS MEMBRANACEUS (Fisch.) Bge 草莓离体无性繁殖的研究——Ⅱ.试管苗移栽和田间表现 A primary study on chemical bound forms of copper and zinc in wheat and rape A transference model of radioactive cobalt in simulated paddy Factors affecting activation and transference of soil colloidal phosphorus and related analysis technologies. TRANSFERENCE KINETICS OF RADIONUCLIDE NUCLIDE ~(95)Zr IN FRESH WATER ECOSYSTEM Breeding effects of different batches goose in the coupled crop-livestock system The Transference of Ri-Plasmid from Agrobacterium rhizogenes to Scopolia lurida Revealed by the Hairy Root Cultivation and the Alkaloids Production

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