Nitrogen accumulation, distribution and use efficiency of flue-cured tobacco under different soil texture Characteristics of N Accumulation and Translocation in Rice Genotypes with Different N Use Efficiencies Subdivision of Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Rice Based on 15N Tracer Genomic DNA Sequence,Gene Structure,Conserved Domains,and Natural Alleles of Gln1-4 Gene in Maize Effects of continuous turnover of Astragalus sinicus on rice yield and N absorption, distribution and residue  in single-cropping rice regions of Fujian Province Effects of Elevated Air Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Concentration on the Nitrogen Use of Double Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Open-top Chambers Impact of localized compaction and ridge fertilization on field nitrate transport and nitrate use efficiency Response of root growth of rice genotypes with different N use efficiency to enhanced nitrate nutrition Genetic Variation in Photosynthetic Characteristics and Photosynthetic Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Tropical Rice Research advances in the calculating method of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in cultivated lands. Genomic DNA Sequence, Gene Structure, Conserved Domains, and Natural Alleles of Gln1-3 Gene in Maize Genotypic Variation in Ammonia Volatilization Rate of Rice Shoots and Its Relationship with Nitrogen Use Efficiency

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