Validation of a Core Set of Microsatellite Markers and Its Application for Varieties Identification in Chinese Cabbage Application of Pollen Morphology in the Genetic Origin and Phylogenic Relationship of Stone Fruit Trees Application of Pollen Morphology in the Genetic Origin and Phylogenic Relationship of Stone Fruit Trees ISSR molecular markers analysis of 9 Bermudagrass cultivation varieties Isolation and variety identification of Gaeumannomyces graminis causing Wheat take-all in Henan Province Discrimination of Numerous Maize Cultivars Based on Seed Image Process RAPD Classification and Identification of Paeonia rockii Varieties Planted in Gansu Province GENETIC ANALYSIS AND IDENTIFICATION OF MAIN CULTIVATED VARITIES OF CHESTNUT (CASTANEA MOLLISSIMA) BY RAPD MOLECULAR MARKERS Construction of Rice Variety Based on ID Used SSR Fingerprint and Commodity Information Validation of a Core Set of Microsatellite Markers and Its Application for Varieties Identification in Chinese Cabbage Identification Analysis of 9 Bermudagrass Materials by AFLP Molecular Markers Development of Microsatellite Markers for Astragalus sinicus L. and Its Application for Variety Identification