Impacts of economic development models on ecosystem service values: a case study of three mountain villages in Middle Shandong, China Development situation of urban agriculture and its regulating direction of industrial structure of Guangzhou City A study on the patterns of development of ecoeconomic system in mountain districts Order Degree Calculation and Optimization on Forestry Industrial Structure of Heilongjiang Province Based on Markov Quadratic Programming Model Application of genetic algorithms in the optimization of sustainable agricultural industrial structure of Heilongjiang Province Analysis on the Industrial Structure Evolutions and Its Differences of the Forest Economic Growth from 1995 to 2011 of 13 Provinces (Autonomous Regions) in the Southern Collective Forest Region of China Recent Development of Turf Grass Industry in China Analysis on environment of rural industrial system in Heilongjiang Province SYSTEM SIMULATION OF WANGQING FORESTRY BUREAU IN OVERCUTTING FOREST AREA,NORTHEAST CHINA