Adaptive regulation in reproductive strategy of two bunchgrasses under mowing disturbance in Inner Mongolia grassland Pollination ecology of alpine herb Meconopsis integrifolia at different altitudes Reproductive strategy and reproductive cost in Commelina benghalensis Endangering reason and reproductive strategy of Psathyrostachys huashanica population Floral biological characteristics of Saussurea involucrata in relation to ecological adaptation Effects of substrate nitrogen and phosphorus contents on Potamogeton crispus growth and reproduction. VALLISNERIASPECIES IN LAKES OF THE MIDDLE-LOWER REACHES OF THE YANGTZE RIVER OF CHINA TRADE-OFF BETWEEN SIZE AND NUMBER OF CAPITULUM AND SEED IN SAUSSUREA JAPONICA: EFFECTS OF RESOURCE AVAILABILITY Stamen movements in hermaphroditic flowers: diversity and adaptive significance Composition and Characteristics of Seed Rain in Baishanzu Broad-Leaved Evergreen Forest Resource allocation and reproductive cost of plants from four types of seedlings of Commelina benghalensis Reproductive strategy of grassland plant 太白红杉种群的生殖对策研究Ⅱ.生殖力和生殖值 Effects of seasonal changes on the growth and reproduction in Ficus racemosa and pollianting fig wasp mutualism system Study on reproductive biology of the invasive plant Solidago canadensis Quantitative Characters of Reproductive Adaptation of Gordonia acuminata Population in Mt. Jin Yun Reproductive Strategies of Tetraena mongolica Maxim Density-Dependent Rule of Natural Kochia sieversiana Population in an Alkaline Meadow in the Songnen Plain of China