Herbal textual research on origin and development of traditional Chinese medicine “Duhuo” and “Qianghuo” Studies on chromatographic fingerprints of Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii Quantitative analysis of volatile oils and isoimperatorin in Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii Analysis and quality assessment standard of heavy metals and arsenic in Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii from different localities Dynamic changes of endogenous hormone in seed of Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii during post-ripening period Resource crisis and protective measures on Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii Purification technology of Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii
and Radix Angelicae Pubescentis in Fufang Xuelian dropping pills
by macroporous resin

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