Remote sensing image-based quantitative study on urban spatial 3D Green Quantity Virescence three-dimension quantity Real-Time Mosaicing System and Distance Detection Based on Dynamic Tree Image Sequence Feature Extraction Method of Wood SEM Micrographs Based on Graph Cuts Wood Identification Method Based on Microstructure Images in Cross-Section Orange Brix’s Nondestructive Analysis Based on Color Image A Tentative study on the Application of Image processing for the Determination of Above-ground Biomass and Standing crop The influence of remotely sensed thematic maps on landscape ecology studies The assessment of forest ecosystem biodiversity by remote sensing A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON REMOTE SENSING DETECTION OF DAMAGE BY PINE CATERPILLAR ANALYSING ON THE VEGETATION CHANGE WITH IMAGE OF SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING IN XIAMEN Review on Computer Technology Application to Seedlings Automatically grading Real-time Tree Image Acquisition and Recognition System Based on Machine Vision Log with Knot-Hole Image Processing Based on the Discrete Brownian Random Field and Fractal Parameter An Image Mosaicing System Based on Feature Points Matching Compiling the Standing Volume Table of Chinese Fir Based on the High-Resolution Satellite Image Remote-sensing estimation of grassland vegetation coverage in Inner Mongolia, China Application of SmartRoot system for determining morphological parameters of fine roots of Hevea brasiliensis Classification of Pinus massoniana and secondary deciduous tree species in northern subtropical region based on high resolution and hyperspectral remotely sensed data Research on characteristics of biomass distribution in urban forests of Shanghai metropolis based on remote sensing and spatial analysis Landscape change in Kangbao County of Hebei Province INFLUENCE OF NUTRIENTS AND DENSITY STRESS ON EAR HIGH DIMENSIONAL SIZE OF GROWING EAR AND ITS RELATION TO KERNEL YIELDIN CORN Studies on Interpretation and Orientation of the Damaged Pine Forests by Pine Caterpillars with Airborne Video Techniques Standardiztion of Landsat TM Imagery for Forest Resources Dynamic Change Monitoring Research Method for Remote Sensing lmage Processing Using Expert System Ear shape of corn and its relations to grain yield under stress. Estimating heavy metal concentrations in topsoil from vegetation reflectance spectra of Hyperion images: A case study of Yushu County, Qinghai, China. Studies on Image Automated Analysis and Recognition of Plant Chromosome Identifying multi-scale spatial patterns of landscape from wavelet and semivariogram analysis of IKONOS PAN remote sensing data Artificial Neuro-network to Simulate Root Systemimage by Botanic Leaf-stalkimage Meso-Scale Experimental Investigation and Strain Fields Analysis of Tensile Tests on Microtomed Slices of Picea jezoensis var. microsperma Sample Gain and Analysis of Two-Dimensional Images of Interior Decay of Logs with Stress Wave Method Study on Tree-Crown Extraction from QuickBird Imagery Based on Object-Oriented Approach in the Project of Converting Cropland to Forest THE METHODS OF GRASSLAND RESOURCE INVESTIGATION USING REMOTE SENSING The Application of the Image Deconvolution Technique to the Study of the Maize 45S rDNA Transcription Pattern Discrimination of Cucumber Anthracnose and Cucumber Brown Speck Base on Color Image Statistical Characteristics Discrimination of Cucumber Anthracnose and Cucumber Brown Speck Base on Color Image Statistical Characteristics