Cloning and Expression Analysis of MSOC1 Gene in Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Flowering-regulating Transcription Factor PrSOC1 Gene in Tree Peony Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Flowering-regulating Transcription Factor PrSOC1 Gene in Tree Peony Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod Promoter Isolation of Flowering Signal Integrator SOC1 Gene and Its Interactions with FLC and SVP Proteins in Brassica juncea Promoter Isolation of Flowering Signal Integrator SOC1 Gene and Its Interactions with FLC and SVP Proteins in Brassica juncea Identification of Interaction Sites in K-domains of Flowering Signal Integrator SOC1 and AGL24 in Brassica juncea Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod Identification of Interaction Sites in K-domains of Flowering Signal Integrator SOC1 and AGL24 in Brassica juncea qRT-PCR Analysis of Gene Expression of AG and SOC1 During Flower Development of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.