Distribution characteristics of camptothecin in branches and leaves of harvest pattern Camptotheca acuminata‘Hisum-I‘ Purification of α-linolenic acid from fruit oil of Camptotheca acuminata THE DEVELOPMENT IN RESEARCH ON CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA AND UTILIZATION OF CAMPTOTHECIN New process for extract ion of camptothecin from leaves of Camptotheca acuminata Advances in studies on biosynthetic pathways of camptothecin and their synthases EFFECTS OF WATERLOGGING STRESS ON MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA Distribution of camptothecin and its metabolism-related enzymes in Camptotheca acuminata seedlings STUDY ON THE TRANSITION FROM PROCAMBIUM TO CAMBIUM IN CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA Isolation and purification of camptothecine and vincoside-lactam from Camptotheca acuminata fruit by macroporous adsorption resins Morphological and Anatomical Study on Female Sterility in Camptotheca acuminata Decne. Flowering Characteristics and Breeding System in Camptotheca acuminata Decne

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