Forest Measurement Method and Data Analysis of Multi-Baseline Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry System MONITORING OF INSECTICIDE-RESISTANCE OF DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS Baseline Issues for Forest-Based Carbon Sink Project on Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) Sensitivity of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates to triadimefon and azoxystro-binin 2009 in China DISTRIBUTION AND GEOLOGY ACCUMULATION CONTAMINATION ANALYSIS OF HEAVY METAL CADMIUM IN AGRICULTURAL SOIL OF ZUNYI COUNTY Bioactivity of butene-fipronil and its field efficacy against diamondback mouth, Plutella xylostella L. Analysis of climate resource changes during maize growth period inNingxia under SRES A1B scenario Sensitivity of  Blumeria graminis  f. sp.  tritici  to strobilurin fungicides and their cross-resistance On baseline vegetation in Northern China Identification and security pattern of ecological land in Pingdingshan newly developed area Monitoring of resistance and baseline sensitivity of Setosphaeria turcica to azoxystrobin in Gansu Sensitivity baseline of Alternaria alternata, causal agent of potato early blight, to fludioxonil and cross-resistance to different fungicides Determination on sensitivity of Phytophthora nicotianae var. nicotianae to three systemic fungicides Baseline sensitivity and acquisition of resistance of Sphaerotheca fuliginea to hexaconazole in lab THE INSECTICIDE TOXICTTY BASELINE DATA BY FOLIAR RESIDUE BIOASSAY METHOD ON A XINJIANG SUSCEPTIBLE POPULATION OF HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA HUBNER Sensitivity of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates to triadimefon and fenpropidin in China in 2011 Risk assessment and molecular mechanism of the resistance of Magnaporthe oryzae from rice to SYP-1620 The susceptible strain selection of Spodoptera exigua and the susceptivity baseline to 12 insecticides Calculation on ecological security baseline based on the ecosystem services value and the food security. Status and research advances on fungicide resistance in turfgrass pathogens Review of the ecological compensation efficiency

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