Effects of bagging on “Hanfu” apple aroma compounds Analysis of the Self-fruitfulness of ‘Hanfu‘ Apple and Identification of the S-Genotypes Effects of light condition on structure and photosynthetic characteristics of leaves in ‘Hanfu’ apple. Investigation on the Damage of Moso Bamboo Caused by Freezing Rain and Snow in Anfu, Jiangxi Province Extracting technology of guanfubase A from Aconitum coreanum by high-voltage pulsed electric field method Assay of Guanfu Base A in Korean Monkshood (Aconitum coreanum) at Different Stages of Reaping by RP-HPLC Analysis of the Self-fruitfulness of ‘Hanfu‘ Apple and Identification of the S-Genotypes Effect of Procesing on the Content of Guanfu A in Radix Aconiti Coreani Extraction process of Ganfu Tablets Prospective randomized controlled study on advanced primary hepatic cancer treated by Ganfule prescription