The Occurrence of Shoot Dieback of Exotic Pines in Relation to Stand Growth and Site Conditions Phenology of Woody Species in Yuanjiang Dry-Hot Valley in Yunnan Province Effect of carbendazim treatments on morphological plasticity of clonal plant Spartina anglica Pathogen Identification of Legume Dieback of Cassia tora Eco-physiological responses of the declining population Spartina anglica to N and P fertilizer addition Identification of the pathogen causing twigs and stem dieback in blueberry Plant growth, reproduction and biomass allocation in response of clonal plant Spartina anglica to alternative irrigation of fresh and saline water The Relationship between Occurrence of the Dieback Blight of Phyllostachys pubescens and Stand Growth and Site Conditions Study of Quarantine Techniques for Larch Shoot Dieback STUDY ON THE DIEBACK OF CEDAR CAUSED BY BOTRYTIS LATEBRICOLA JAAP. Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Pathogen, Diplodia pinea of Slash pine Dieback