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Yellow River estuary
Effect of water-sediment flushing events on bisphenol A contamination in the Yellow River estuary
Sources of organic carbon in the wetlands of the Yellow River estuary and instructions on carbon burial promotion strategies
Seasonal variations of sulfur in
Suaeda salsa
under different habitats in the intertidal zone of Yellow River Estuary, China
Assessment of ecosystem energy flow and carrying capacity of swimming crab enhancement in the Yellow River estuary and adjacent waters.
Make use of nest-site of oriental white stork in the Yellow River Estuary Nature Reserve
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in the soil-plant system of the
Suaeda salsa
wetland in the Yellow River Estuary
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on seed germination and seedling growth of
Suaeda salsa
under different growth conditions of the Yellow River Estuary
Ecological traits of
Phragmites australis
community in different restoration phases of the Yellow River estuary, China
On nitrogen and phosphate,and environmental quality assessment of the Yellow River Estuary and adjacent waters
The methane oxidation potential of soils in tidal marshes of the Yellow River Estuary and its responses to import of organic matter
Biomass spatial fractal characteristics and phosphorus nutrient dynamics of
Suaeda salsa
under different growth conditions of the intertidal zone in the Yellow River estuary
Seasonal changes of potassium, calcium, and magnesium and their accumulation in different phenotype
Suaeda salsa
communities in a tidal flat of the Yellow River estuary
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