Spatio-temporal dynamics of land use/land cover and its driving forces in Nanjing from 1995 to 2008 Temporal and spatial variations of chemical constituents in maize TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL DYNAMICS OF TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE IN AN ACACIA MANGIUM PLANTATION Spatial Dynamics of Plant Community Structures in Natural Pinus yunnanensis Forest Region Spatial dynamics of vegetable aphid population in suburbs of Hangzhou Characters of the OMI NO2 column densities over different ecosystems in Zhejiang Province during 2005 - 2009 Temporal and spatial dynamics of enzyme activities under long-term fertilization in a maize growing brown soil Characteristics of vegetation and soil inorganic nitrogen concentrations under different disturbed habitats in a weak alpine ecosystem Geostatistical analysison spatial dynamics of the apterous Myzus percicae in flue-cured tobacco fields of Enshi tobacco area, China The morphological characteristic observation of Eretmocerus hayati and the comparison of its temporal and spatial dynamic with Bemisia tabaci Progresses on the researches of interacting metapopulations

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