Influence of Sijunzi Decoction in various dosages on digestive and immune function of mice with Pi-deficiency syndrome Comparative study on acute toxicity and pharmacological effect of Huoxiang Zhengqi microemulsion and Huoxiang Zhengqi tincture Effect of method of soothing liver and regulating qi on expression of gastrin and somatostatin in hypothalamus, castric antrum of functional dyspepsia rats Effects of Three Kinds of Decoction on Serum Gastrin,Gastrin Cell Density and theContent of PGE2 of Gastric Antral Mucasa in Experimental Chronic Gastritis in Rats Comparative study of effect of Magnolia officinalis and M. officinalis var. biloba on gastrointestinal motility dysfunction Effect of mica monomer granule on gastrin,somatostatin and G cells as well as D cells of gastric mucosa in CAG rat The Effect of Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.)Nannf.on Gastric Acid,Serum Gastrin and Plasma Somatostatin Concentration in Dogs The Effect of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. on Gastric Acid Secretion.Serum Gastrin and Plasma Somatostatin Concentration