SMALL-SCALE SPATIAL CROSS-CORRELATION BETWEEN RAMET POPULATION VARIABLES OF POTENTILLA REPTANSVAR.SERICOPHYLLA AND SOIL AVAILABLE PHOSPHORUS The ramet population structures of the clonal bamboo Fargesia nitida in different canopy conditions of sulbalpine dark coniferous forest in Wolong Nature Reserve, China Biomass formation for switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) in the semiarid loess hilly-gully regions DYNAMICS AND REGULATION OF CLONAL RAMET POPULATION IN KOMRESIA HUMILIS UNDER DIFFRENT STOCKING INTENSITIES Clonal architecture and ramet population characteristics of Lysimachia congestiflora growing under different light conditions Genet Features and Ramet Population Features in the Rhizomatous Grass Species Psammochloa villosa Clonal Reproductive Property and Community Characteristic of Invasive Species Coreopsis lanceolata Genet Characters of Hedysarum Laeve and the Characters of Its Ramet Population in Different Habitation Mu Us Sandland Ramet Population Structures of Sinarundinaria basihursuta on Different Canopy Conditions of Taiwania flousiana Forest in Leigong Mountain of Guizhou Province Ramet Population Structure of Fargesia nitida (Mitford) Keng f. et Yi in Different Successional Stands of the Subalpine Coniferous Forest in Wolong Clonal Architecture and Ramet Population Characteristics of Leymus chinensis from Different Habitats in the Xilin River Watershed Effect of clonal integration on ramet population regeneration of two Fargesia (bamboo) species under simulated ingesting interference Clonal architecture and ramet population characteristics of Epimedium brevicornum in different habitats Density and Biomass Dynamics of Hippophae rhamnoides L.subsp.sinensis Population in Mu Us Sandland Ramet population characteristics and biomass allocation of Eremosparton songoricum growing under different water conditions

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