Research Progress on Biological Functions of Long Non-coding RNA in Plants NON-CODING RNA IN Deinococcus radiodurans Expression of an effector gene PsCRN77 decreases Nicotiana benthamiana resis-tance to oomycete pathogen Phytophthora parasitica Cloning, transcriptional profiles and roles of Phytophthora capsici CRN-encoding genes in the interaction with host plants Preparation and Application of cRNA Probe Labeled with Digoxingenin for Gene F64 of Rice Field Eel Research Progress on a Long Non-coding RNA MALAT1 Effect of curcumin on radiosensitization of CNE-2 cells and its mechanism Effect of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer on the morphological and physiological characteristics and senescence of root system during late growth stages of hybrid rice The Diversity of Small Non-coding RNA Identification of mRNA-like non-coding RNAs and validation of a mighty one named MAR in Panax ginseng Effects of Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Hosta ventricosa

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