A NEW SPECIES OF LYCOPODIUM L.FROM SICHUAN Chemical constituents from whole herb of Lycopodium japonicum Lycopodium alkaloids from Lycopodium japonicum Non-alkaloid Constituents from Lycopodium japonicum STUDIES ON THE SPORE MORPHOLOGY OF LYCOPOD FROM NORTHEASTERN CHINA Spore Morphology of Pteridophytes from China Ⅻ.Lycopodiaceae The reclassification of Lycopodiaceae (s. str.) in China STUDY ON THE SPORE MORPHOLOGY OF LYCOPOD FROM JIANGXI THE TAXONOMY OF CHINESE LYCOPODIACEAE (SEN. LAT.) Ⅲ Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Huperzia serrata and their pharmacological effects Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Huperzia serrata and their pharmacological effects Recircumscription of Huperzia serrata complex in China using morphological and climatic data Serratene triterpenoids in Lycopodium japonicum from Hubei province Advances in studies on chemical constituents in Lycopodii Herba and their pharmacological activities THE TAX0N0MY 0F CHINESE LYC0pOpIACEAE (SEN. LAT.) I THE TAXONOMY OF CHINESE LYCOPODIACEAE (SEN. LAT. ) Ⅲ- Ⅳ THE TAXONOMY OF CHINESE LYCOPODIACEAE (SEN.LAT.) II