Study on the Structure of a New Triterpene Saponin B from Polygala japoniea Houtt Studies on the Structures of Two New Triterpene Saponins C and D from Polygala japoni-ca Houtt The Chemical Constituents of Amoora yunnanensis A New Pregnane from Munronia delavayi Franch (Meliaceae) Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rosa laev igata Michx. Studies on chemical constituents of Verbena officinalis Triterpenes from Rubus parkeri root Cytotoxic sesquiterpene lactones from Berlandiera lyatra Chemical constituents from roots of Pittosporum illicioides Chemical constituents from Glochidion lanceolarium Chemical constituents from roots of Schefflera octophylla Study on chemical constituents of Artemisia integrifolia Chemical constituents from whole herb of Hedyotis scandens Chemical constituents from whole herb of Hedyotis scandens Study on chemical constituents from Potentilla supina Study on chemical constituents from Potentilla supina