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Environmental cost of pond aquiculture in Shanghai: an empirical analysis based on double-bounded dichotomous CVM method
Emission of phosphine in intertidal zone for aquaculture along the northern Jiangsu coast and its influencing factors
Morphological and quality difference of adult
Anguilla japonica
under three aquaculture models.
Residues of pesticides and antibiotics in a mangrove area suffering aquaculture drainages
Evaluation of cultural service value of aquaculture pond ecosystem: A case study in a water conservation area of Shanghai.
GIS-based Japanese scallop (
Patinopecten yessoensis
) aquaculture suitability assessment:a case study with the islands of Dachangshan and Xiaochangshan, North Yellow Sea, China
Photosynthetic bacteria and their applied actualities
Identification and Denitrification Characterization of a Psychrotrophic and Aerobic Nitrite-bacterium
Effects of rice cropping systems on the restoration of aquaculture pond eutrophication and its prospective application
Bioremediation of caged fish aquaculture by the red alga Gracilaria verrucosa in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system
Potential recruitment into planktonic population and influencing factors on the hatching of copepod resting eggs in ponds.
Application of count models in estimating recreational values of pond aquaculture
Spatial-temporal variations in eco-service values of pond aquaculture in Shanghai
Difference between the WTP and WTA in cultural service value evaluation of agriculture ecosystems: Shanghai pond aquaculture case study
Analysis of PCBs in the sediments and fish from freshwater fishponds in the Pearl River Delta, China
Impactanalysis of human activities and climate change on Honghu lake’s spring drought
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