Evaluation of ecosystem service value and strategies for ecological design in land consolidation: A case of land consolidation project in Da’an City, Jilin Province, China. Evaluation of ecological effect and landscape pattern in land consolidation project Evaluation of performance of land consolidation projects in Sichuan Province Agricultural landscape and its elements assessment in plain areas of Beijing City Research progress on the effects of land consolidation on ecosystem services New progress of land resources studies and related developmental tendencies in China Ecological effect of different types land consolidation in Hubei Province of China. Determining the effect of the land consolidation project on the cropland ecosystem based on the ecological flow method Effect of land consolidation on soil microbial community diversity. Ecological design of ditches in agricultural land consolidation: A review. Suitability assessment for building land consolidation on gentle hillside based on OWA operator:a case in Dali Bai Nationality Borough in Yunnan, China Changes of agroecosystem services value under effects of land consolidation.